Greetings honeybees at the HIVE, that's exactly what I've set out to do.
You know, I had a blog on wordpress where just 2 minutes back I pressed Publish, in which I had written about the same stuff I'm writing here.
Well, I had a blog.
I think I'll start writing here, because this site is lAteSt TaChnoLoGY.
And it's a community.
And money.
I mean, if I have off-road tires, and I'm going off-road, I might as well use it right?
Facing boredom
I'm going to do nothing tomorrow for exactly this reason. We've never been with boredom, have we? Like how you'd be with your favorite music, or movie, or food.
Whenever boredom strikes, we start listening to our favorite music, watch our favorite movie or eat our favorite food. So do you see?
It was all a lie.
You never had any favorite music, movie or food. You just had a favorite...
Yeah, it's a rough thing to hear isn't it? Of course it is, I'm basically attacking your identity.
You think your favorites define you. They only limit you.
Anyway, enough about you.
I had done this before
Yeah, long back I had tried to do nothing for 3 days. Literally, just sit on the chair. In a room. Locked. By myself. I gave up on the 2nd day. Felt like I was wasting my time.
But here's why I couldn't do it back then: I gave in to my thoughts.
What's the change this time?
I know not to be identified with my thoughts. It had made me feel restless. And you know how that feels right?

Oh this? It's the doodle of new stuff I did today. I'll draw everyday.
Which reminds me
Time to do this. And this time not just empty words.
This time I'm documenting by doodling, not that 1 Second nonsense.
You know what I did today? I ordered a fly fishing rod because of you. Not really because of you but I think a lot about things we have talked about over the time I have known you and I think back to before I had internet, crazy phones, and stress and thought about the simple pleasure I used to get from fishing. I never even ate fish. I would either let them go or take them to my mom to eat. When my rod comes in I am going to get my hip waders on and go to the river with no phones but maybe a note pad.
Awesome, looks like I had a (not really) influence on you.
It's a great change of pace. I wanna do fishing one day too.