Old but gold

in #dont8 years ago

 This FU started around 6 years ago when I was a poor college student.I had just enough money to "survive" on, for student values of survive. I had a hugely over-inflated sense of how intelligent I was. Rare for someone on reddit I know.I thought that instead of getting a part time job I'd make money on the internet, I'm smart enough, why not? So, I set up webpages with the sketchiest of ad networks. I did as much matched better as I could (which to be fair earned me a few hundred $). And I also came across this thing called bitcoin, and people were giving them away for free on some websites. Everything I read about them said they were going to be the next big thing. Awesome, I'll get myself some of those. Over the course of 1 semester I'd gotten around 150 bitcoins, which at the time was worth around $11.00. What a waste of fucking time! These things haven't exploded like they were supposed to, back to my matched betting and AwesomeTM websites!These bitcoins were stored on my laptop. I upgraded my laptop the following semester with more RAM and a bigger super fast 7200 HDD. I wrote a little sarcastic note to myself about the bitcoins and folded it over my old HDD.That was the last time I paid any attention to bitcoin, it wasn't too long before I graduated and started to earn decent(ish) money.Fast forward to last month and I'm moving to a smaller apartment (more expensive area), and had to be picky about what I could take. I had an old box of PC parts, I had a quick look through and marveled at the 256MB RAM sticks, the 40GB HDDs, I even had a few floppy disks! All of it worthless with today's hardware. So in the trash it all went.I used that box to pack some stuff in and move to my new apartment a few days later. Because of my laziness several boxes remained full of stuff for a few weeks. Tonight after a 4 hour reddit session I unpacked one of the boxes, and I found THIS. I chuckled to myself for a split second before realizing bitcoins are worth a fair bit today, at which point panic set it.I've been googling for several hours but it seems I'm fucked, the bitcoins are gone! At least they weren't worth the millions that my idiotic self thought when I first found the note, but that's not much consolation.TL;DR earned $11.00 worth of bitcoin, 5 years later threw them out when they were worth $67,000!EDIT: To the people offering to help me recover the bitcoins from my HDD, thanks but it was put in the trash over a month ago, it's probably in landfill now, hence the FU. The only trace I have right now is the note. I'm going to be scouring my emails / cloud storage etc. 


no, i am not such a idiot :)
i bough at that price few hundred and sell at 20-30$ range :(