3 DAYS LEFT AND 12 BLOGS SHORT: Is It Actually Possible to Write 4 Quality Posts in a Day?

Join me on this quest, because we are about to find out. For anyone following the story, I challenged myself in the beginning of January to write a total of 30 blogs before the month ended. How many did I actually write until this point? 18, this one marks 19. You see, I can come up with a way to justify it. I do go to school, and I have a day job. I should be happy where I'm at, being able to solidify the routines and results that I wanted to achieve without "fully compromising" my content quality.

I may have succeeded in the eyes of my friends, and my followers, but if I let myself down none of that matters anymore. I didn't challenge you that I could do it- I challenged me. With only 3 days remaining, I have every reason in the world to give up, and although many things have been answered, it's not the answer I am looking for. What I want to know is;

" Would my skill, and speed improve? "

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Content Warning!

The next 12 posts will be made over the span of 3 days, totaling to 4 each day until midnight Hawaii time January 31st. If you have me on an auto-voter, but feel that I am going to be writing for the sake of writing, please remove me now. If you are following me, but think that my quality will suffer greatly by doing this, you are more than welcome to unfollow.

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Why Do It This Way?
I've determined that I am capable of creating memorable content, but the truth is that I can write one post a day at leisure, two at maximum. The entire purpose of this experiment was to manage my time well enough to do what would be described as an amazing amount of work in shorter amounts of time. I have never written 4 blogs in one day before, but I've heard that this used to be the daily posting limit for Steemians. Not to say I haven't pushed myself a bunch already, but I haven't left my comfort zone. Just the thought of what I want to do terrifies me, and those are the very things that I need to be doing.

I can try to write 4 a day, but they can't all be high-quality posts.

Who says they can't though?

What determines quality on Steemit? Curators? The number of followers? The number of dolphin and whale votes? How many pictures? The length? No. How I define quality, is being what I have in my head and what gets posted are one in the same. If I can open my post weeks and months later and smile knowing that I did a good job to my standards, if I can get my messages across to others, I've achieved what I aimed for.

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Justifying The Fears
I won't know if I have improved unless I try it. I can look at this an say; "Realistically, my quality would drop like zombie after a headshot", but this is only a fantastic excuse to not try at all, not waste my time and effort. If I saw it as a waste, I would not be here... still going. Thinking that I can't do something only stops me from taking the first step. The way I see it is;

Trying already makes me a winner in my own mind and heart.

It's not irrational to want to stick to my goal all the way until the final minute, what's irrational is letting the fear of no one liking my content or think that I am not putting effort at all. I did this challenge for ME, I am writing for ME- But if you like it then thats cool too :D


My Plan
You must be mad if you think I'm going to rush these and not put any time nor consideration into my posts. I have a plan and I think it's awesome. I have three days off in a row, and will be writing 2 before 6pm and two after 6pm each day. When you break a task down, it appears less overwhelming. But I am going to go one more here, to show that I am actually determined to complete my goal, I will list each blog (in no particular order) to ensure I don't cop out and get lazy. This is for you to see if you want to continue supporting what I am about.

  • The Final 12 Blogs with 3 Days Left (This post) An overview of what I am doing and why, and putting my experiment up to the real test.

  • Hair Coloring (I get to choose Peyton's hair color, and hang out in a hair salon my friend works at).

  • A post I am writing for #newsteem about a Previous Steemfest Speaker. (What I interpreted, and others can learn from their presentation to improve on Steemit)

  • Image Deconstruction (How you view yourself and others seeing you are entirely different things, but are intertwined and connected to one another)

  • Work is Not Your Hobby (When a 9-5 extends into your personal life, and how not to throw away your life to a position that can be easily replaced)

  • Platonic Friends and Relationships (In person and online, can guys and girls be friends and nothing more?)

  • What it Means To Be Open-Minded Towards Others (Reinforcement, acceptance, appreciation for what is and not can be molded)

  • The Dante's Inferno of Social Media (A first-hand experience of what it was like reaching 5000 Facebook friends, and the similarities I have seen in Steemit)

  • Thought Arrangement (Backburner, puzzle pieces, reframing, thought replacement, and why these are useful skills to develop)

  • Shello's Guide to Demon Slaying (The personal demons and illusions that must be overcome by all Steemians)

  • What I've learned in My 6 Months on Steemit (What is good, bad, mistakes made, and a look back at what happened since the start)

  • The Timeboxing Experiment Conclusion (Final results, findings, and announcement of February experiment)

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Urban Dictionary

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Oh no! Here comes "shit poster shello" lolol

:P. Just playin. Looking forward to all of it <3

D:< For someone who types a lot, I lost the words to express lmaoooo

Nah, check out my game changer. Gonna start going around and telling people good comment on their replies. Maybe not; "shit poster shello" is growing on me.

Thank for the love, it's awesome to know that my blogs do get read C: <3

You got this girl! Where did you find these cute banners btw?

Thank you for believing in me Kubbs. The don't just dream it Steemit one I made and the dividers too. They are free use! ♡

Let's go~

Good luck in your endeavor. I believe that you will cope with this challenge.

Удачи Вам в Вашем начинании. Я верю, что Вы справитесь с этим вызовом.

Thanks for the blessing @cranium, the goal is to move forward! c:

You are welcome.

Hello nice to meet you! I wanted to ask for your support to donate: Diapers, MILK, medicines to families, especially newborn children, who do not have the money to buy your contribution, just vote or with a retest, it's enough thanks.
here the link more plicado


Good post, please follow back

Please read @labasabe. Asking for follows is bad manners!

The Complete Steemit Etiquette Guide (Revision 2.0)

There is some etiquette that is acceptable on other social media, but not on Steemit. This post has some positive practices that will improve your experience overall. Working hard and treating others with respect is essential to leaving a good impact here. Make lots of friends, and you will never have a shortage of people visiting your blogs!

sorry my friend less understand english. if there is something wrong please forgive, hopefully be friends

Silahkan baca blognya! itu kasar untuk komentar sebelum memahami. Meminta di sini juga tidak sopan. Tolong bicarakan dulu topiknya!

I hope that you understand c: