Donas - Donuts 🍩
Receta de Donas - Donut recipe
1kg. Harina - 1kg. Flour
200g. Azúcar. - 200g. Sugar
1 pzca de sal. - pinch of salt
2 huevos. - 2 eggs
60g mantequilla. - 60g.Butter
Canela en polvo. - cinnamon powder.
(Una pizca). (A pinch)
15g levadura. -15g yeast
Agua. - water
A la harina le agregamos la sal, canela,y mezclamos.
Luego agregamos todos los ingredientes,revolvemos mientras vamos agregando agua, hasta conseguir una masa elastica.
La dejamos reposar 30 mins. Luego con un rodillo aplanamos, cortamos la forma de las donas y freimos en abundante aceite.
Listo! Tienen sus donas, y las pueden decorar como gusten, con azúcar, o con glass, cobertura, saben deliciosas💓👌🍩
🍩Recipe in English☕
Water To the flour we add the salt, cinnamon, and we mix it. Then we add all the ingredients, we stir while we are adding water, until obtaining an elastic mass. We let it rest 30 mins. Then with a roll we flatten, cut the form of the donuts and fry in abundant oil. Ready! They have their donuts, and they can decorate them as they like, with sugar, or with glass, cover, they taste delicious💓👌🍩
Looks delicious. 10/10 Would try. 🤤