Doodle Challenge
The theme words rain, duck and umbrella have sparked my imagination. 3 words to describe one imaginary image. Nature personified is a source of guiding force for creation. It is the form that regulate the universe. To me, the image has to be meaningful. It has to carry a message.
Little creatures turn to Mother Nature for nurturing, they turn to her for revival and rejuvenation. This little duck was lost and cold in the rain until Mother handed him a warm shelter.
My Interpretation
If you look at nature you will see some common characteristics. Nothing in nature is about itself. It is selfless. River does not consume itself, trees do not eat their own fruit, the flower's fragrance is for the sweet maiden and the nectar is for the bees. Living for each other, that is nature. Just like how a mother would be protective of its children, that is mother nature to me.
This is my official entry
The Process
Final Result
I guess our drawing evolves with age. I used to be fascinated with dark drawings, heavy metal, skulls, daggers, blood but I guess as age catches up and you have a younger one, it is not so appropriate to draw things like that. But at the same time, I am enjoying drawing the nature much more now.
It is true that the best things in life is free and Mother Nature gives us that. God creation and the masterpiece.How can you beat the feeling of being at a waterfall? or having a picnic beside the sea. I feel so proud that I am prepared to show this to my son...
(Dont't blame the bird, he has not seen someone who stares blankly into the horizon)
Till next then..
Cheerios! :)

credit to @zomagic
This is a very beautiful drawing, and it is great to see the process of how it was made. Thank you for joining in with this week's Doodle Doodledayeo challenge, it's great to have you on board.
Thanks @opheliafu! :D its great to been on your board!Such a tremendous challenge by all the participanst.Hopefully i have a spare time again to join the next challenge.Nice to meet you though.. :)
Great work!
thanks mate! :)
Wonderful wisdom about the circle of life.
haha..a bit message to spread to the youngster i guess..Thanks @edysveins. :)
seni tari line art ko, tak mampu aku nak hadam ..powe..bohh..
hahah..saja try tgh ada masa..kalau tgh takdo masa ilang la den dari dunia steemit..ekekek.tq bohh!! :)
What a heavy line art!!! Good job! (ノ゚0゚)ノ~
Thanks @wanderinartist. just to show a different style in theme challenge. :)
Wow! thank you for sharing the process :D
I love how you made a mysterious artwork from 3 "cute" words :)
Thanks @kristyglass!Glad you feel me.. :) just to gave a different view in that 3 cute words.By the way, i saw your work!Unique and stylish!Nice.. :D
Thank you :D
Can't wait for more of your work! ^-^
Thanks..see you around then..cheers! :))
Nature is simply wow
Thanks @macdonaldfebi! :D
bila abam legend melukis..hmmmmmmmmm
haha..thanks zhafiqkun! sketch when i have a bit spare time though..cantek artwork!good job to you too!! :)
Not everyone can illustrate.. i can’t.. i appreciate art and illustration because many of my families are artist and illustrator.. never seem to stop being impressed wtih the details on a good art.. keep it up!
Thanks sis..really appreiciate it!You have a good talents there in the families.Maybe this the way to show their talent in this such remarkable wide market.Thanks for dropping by sis.. :))
Great job!
Thanks mate! :)
Pehhh!... awesome bro!
tqvm mr @sireh! ;D
the bird part was the best.
haha..thanks @ellyn-suraya!its keep my spare time useful by joining this!You have a nice work and great ideas though..its a relief to see all the youung talent here! :))
Really fine drawing! I have overlooked your account it seems.
Thank you very much @katharsisdrill. Really appreciate it!Glad you like it.. :)
Sure I do, and now I can see that I already discovered you... and then forgot... Your art is really awesome! I will put you on my list of people to look out for.
That's pretty epic looking. Love the detail on that Ent creature.
Thanks man!you work amaze me too..unique strokes and stylish inking..nice to meet you here sir.. :)
The crazy the amount of talent of Steemit now.. Look forward to seeing more of your art.
Its good though to see the youngster with a new idea and stuff..thanks!See you around..certainly i will follow you then.. ;D
Wow! Best drawing.
Me too. But time has passed and all those words are good man 👍
Thanks mate! :) Its good to see different side of us that evolve with the age though..but its a purdy damn good times' sake..hahah! ;D
lohh..baru terperasan post ko nih..awat tak tag steem cartoon
This drawing is awesome. So much detail in the tree, that a bit frightening but gentle. And the happy ducks looks great as well.
haha..thanks mate..just to try it in the other perspective.. :)
Hi @cartoonistpandan. I was glad to read about your post.These pictures encouraged our lives not to be a selfish one like the flower and the bees, they had a common goal in life. Without the bees the flowers will not be a fruit. witghout the fruit people can't even recognize it since it will not exist without the aid of the other. That's like our lives. of life!same as using the energy of sunlight, plants convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and all the rotation keeps us alive..we share with each other..Thanks for visiting aidguardian.. :)