“There was nothing evil in it, nothing shameful. You were to me such an ideal as I shall never meet again. This is the face of a satyr.”
“It is the face of my soul.”
“Christ! What a thing I must have worshipped! It has the eyes of a devil.”
“Each of us has Heaven and Hell in him, Basil, cried Dorian, with a wild gesture of despair.”
Have you ever wondered what it's like to enjoy all the pleasures and pleasures only? Have you ever imagined being beautiful, charismatic, charming, wealthy, intelligent and well-spoken? Have you ever wanted to be worshiped, thus powerful and never grow old? I bet you have. But, are you ready to sell your soul to the devil?
This is a story about a man of extraordinary beauty and his two friends, the Artist and …let's guess who the other friend is.
The Artist worships the young man and paints a picture of him; the young man becomes vain and self-absorbed and a “dear friend” pulls the strings all the way. His name is Lord Henry Wotton, and you wonder if he was the devil himself?
Let's not give all the importance to Lord Henry right at the beginning. After all, this is not a book about him. This is a story about Dorian Gray and his picture, just like the title says. But what the title doesn't say is soon to be discovered.
There is an ancient Greek myth about a young hunter called Narcissus. He was so beautiful that many fell in love with him instantly. But he showed no other feelings, but contempt. The nymph Echo saw him when he was hunting in the woods and madly fell in love with him. She wanted to hug him, he mercilessly pushed her away. She was hurt so much that she wandered the woods until there was nothing left of her but the sound of echo. The goddess of revenge punished Narcissus by leading him to the pool of water where he saw his own reflection and fell in love with himself. But when he realized that was only the reflection and that he won't get love in return he was in great emotional pain and died of starvation while staring at his own image. The nymphs cried and they wanted to carry him to his grave, but when they arrived his body was nowhere to be found. At the place where he rested his head, there was only a little white flower, the flower of death – It is called Narcissus.
Dorian Gray was as beautiful as Narcissus. He was adored by people because of his good looks especially because it was believed that if one was good at heart it showed in one’s face. He was “wonderfully handsome, with his finely-curved scarlet lips, his frank blue eyes, his crisp gold hair. There was something in his face that made one trust him at once.”
Basil Hallward, the naïve painter, mesmerized by Dorian’s beauty and thus inspired by his personality and “simple and beautiful nature” was the one to reveal the dangerous secret to Dorian Gray, by painting the picture of him with love and adoration; and through the goodness of his own soul. When Dorian saw the picture for the first time “his cheeks flushed for a moment of pleasure. A look of joy came into his eyes, as if he had recognized himself for the first time…The sense of his own beauty came on him like a revelation. He had never felt it before.”
Lord Henry Wotton was present at the moment and was very satisfied with what he had witnessed. He influenced the young man to think about eternal youth by depicting how hideous old men were and how one suffered when one’s beauty deteriorated.
At the moment Dorian Gray was not conscious of such a thing. In horror he wished to remain forever young, begging for the picture of him turning old and hideous, not him. He made his choice.
And what about Lord Henry’s soul? One wonders if he had it at all.
Lord Henry Wotton was a hedonist, clever aesthete, wise in his superficial observation of the world, man of shallow thoughts, who urged the young man to enjoy all the sensations and thoughts, to explore everything society oppressively forbids saying that was the only way to get to know one’s real nature and personality. There is not a single word which explicitly points out that Lord Henry was envious of Dorian, there is not a single word written how he achieved satisfaction by watching Dorian’s demise, there is not a single word describing how he lived his life through Dorian’s and how much of a coward he was. Dorian didn’t see that, either. Dorian believed him and we all would.
The Pandora’s box was opened. The devil was at play.
Through the corruption of his own soul, which wasn’t seen in his face, but in the face on the canvas, Dorian lived life of every possible forbidden pleasure he could think of, but in the end he couldn’t stand the ugliness of the face on the canvas. And the portrait’s bloody hands.
His face became his burden. His sins, hidden from the outside world, couldn’t escape his own eyes.
Did he repent?
That is left for you to find out.
- The source of the text between the quotation marks is from the book “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde.
Nije ni film loš! 😉
Davno sam ga gledao, ali se secam da mi nije bio bas neki utisak. Kao malcice da je bilo "onih" elemenata o kojima u knjizi mozemo samo da nagadjamo :D @micika987
Pa kao u svakom filmu. Npr. moja omiljena knjiga je Gordost i predrasude. Gledala sam i sve varijante filmova, knjiga je opet bolja, više detalja. Ali rado opet pogledam filmove. 😊
Slazem se, sto da ne :) Recimo, clanak koji sam napisao o Dr. Sacks-u je upravo i proistekao iz gledanja filma, samo sto sam se usredsredio na realne podatke. Taj film prati realni tok svega nekih 90%.. uostalom i sam doktor je ucestvovao u pravljenju filma :) Tako da, sto se filmova i knjiga tice, uvek knjiga bude bolja, ali bude i super adaptacija.
Sad mi pade na pamet, s obzirom da si sigurno citala knjigu, sta ti mislis, je l se pokajao? Kako ti vidis kraj knjige?
Moje neko viđanje je da jeste, ali da bi opet isto uradio. To je u ljudskoj prirodi.
Moje misljenje je da nije, nego je samo hteo da pobegne od sebe, da sebi olaksa. I taj fenomen je dobro poznat u ljudskoj prirodi :D Hvala na misljenju :)
Interesting... I enjoyed the parallels drawn between "The Picture of Dorian Gray" and the Narcissus myth. Have you ever seen the "Penny Dreadful" series? Dorian is portrayed to good effect in that series, although his whole story isn't played out in it.
Yes, I did watch it.. maybe some 4 years ago, I think.. I was very interested in the whole idea of the show, but after some time I didn't like it so I stopped watching. You? Did you like it? @bennettitalia
Yeah, I had the same issue at first. I liked the concept, but the execution seemed a little lame. But I ended up sticking with it and by the second season it got more and more into the philosophical aspect. I ended up loving it, but I agree the first season took some endurance to get through lol.
hahaha you were more persistent than I was :D
Ja mislim da ima par filmova, svi su super, ali knjiga je strava. Obvezno pročitati. Svejedno,moje mišljenje je, kad je već dobio to sve, ovisilo je samo o njemu kako će to koristiti. On je koristio KRIVO.
Mislis na ono sto je dobio rodjenjem ili na ono sto je radio nakon? Pretpostavljam da mislis na ono nakon...
Треба ово да преведеш на српски @mixology. Одлично је.
E, to bar nije problem. :D Obrnuto je vec pos'o :D Mogu da editujem post, pa da ubacim nasu verziju. Tebi u cast hahaha salim se. :) Uradicu danas, sutra ako smatras da to znaci. Hvala ti puno! @lighteye
Bas sad razmisljam... Realno, ne znam kad bih stigao, poneo me entuzijazam :D Vec imam u planu naredni post, taj ce biti srpsko-engleska verzija, a to je bas mucho posla ... Mozda ipak necu uspeti. Iskreno. Hvala ti u svakom slucaju! Bas mi znaci! :) @lighteye