
DOTA and League!? You are a rare specimen, my friend :D

I know DOTA and LOL are kind of rivals but I love them both.

to be honest, the hardest part about DOTA is learning the controls that are similar but different. I try to use a spell but drop an item instead. I am happy with League so I don't see why I would learn a MOBA from scratch.

At first when I watched someone playing DOTA or LOL I used to think why is the hero always running away.

How silly I was!

lel, I actually started flaming people a lot for playing too passive. In the past low elo players tended to be way too reckless, but right now they all play like pussies. Personally I always play aggressive, because it is the only way the game is fun to me. You can win by trying to wait for your opponent to make a mistake, but that is quite boring and exploitable, imo.

The Game has to be at a Balance you need Passive Aggressiveness.

Too much Passive play pisses me off too as I die because of that Player not giving me support and I get Blamed for Dying.

yeah, by the end of the day dota and league is about teamplay, so in publique matches usually the team that have more sinergy wins. not really only aobout being passive or agressive but playas one with the team