I'll preface this share with a statement, if that's alright.
This is me sharing. Sharing is caring. Of all those included in this post, I wholeheartedly and emphatically, without question or reservation stand behind... this space intentionally left blank
However...money changes everything. Or so it's said.
Matthew 7:16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
I have to question - Is this a distraction to divide our attention away from things currently happening (impeding invasion of Venezuela?) yet the movement is focusing on these characters? Yes, I said characters. We all know of the pedo culture and it seems that these guys are just tipping off the perps! that is just my opinion. Considering some of the bs these guys waste their time with has forced me to no longer waste my time on them.
Re: Matthew 7:16 - men gather anything they can get their hands on to do harm upon his brother. I am not anti man, it's just that war is in a man's soul
Hey, thanks for the comment! Almost anything can be considered a distraction of sorts, I suppose. As for division, the people involved have definitely motivated a considerable amount of polarization amongst those willing to take a side. Personally, I have no stake in this as I've spent very little time paying it attention other than moderating a chat. Most people want pedo culture to end, most people feel it is a vile and repugnant portion of our society that should be removed entirely...I'm among those people. Whether these two men are telling the truth, however, isn't something I've been able to confirm, and will not defend, I'm just presenting a video for someone at their request. I hope you follow the content creator, he's an interesting listen. As for the Scripture, it's more to suggest that someone will inevitably be known for what they do, what they leave behind...not what others think or say of them, or what they say of themselves.
for the record, nothing changes... none of this makes any sense what so ever.