Upvoted for the utility and usefuless of the info. thank you!
just really sucks that @theycallmedan followed smooth by putting @disregardfiat in this list.. he did not deserve it ... hes dedicated a lot of time to developing for dlux-io and creating an interesting application for the blockchain and he didnt deserve that flagging. this just shows you that the current hardfork sucks and doesn't work. people are just flagging everyone now all of the sudden as if 15 cents teem wasnt bad enough. there is no sense of community because we are individuals so lets stop acting like the reward pool is some public commons. We need to stop punishing users for using bid bots. its a none issue and its distracting us from teh REAL problems like ONBOARDINg the thing disregardfiat was freaking trying to address in his essay.
Agree, many have become trigger-happy with flagging in HF21.