Man... I've been getting a LOT of downvotes lately, and it's kind of bumming me out. I know, I know, they serve a valuable function, right? Curtailing abuse, letting people voice their opinions, free speech, and all that. And I should just suck it up and learn to live with it...
But as a writer, I put a lot of work into what I create. I'm putting MYSELF out there with every story or article or review I publish, and I'm careful and try to follow all the rules, I edit meticulously, I cite my sources, and I try to present thoughtful, interesting, non-garbage work---but I still get downvotes...
Like yesterday's post. I wrote what I thought was a solid review of a somewhat forgotten film, I compared it to some of the similar films of the day that I thought it borrowed from, I pointed out some of the major flaws in the movie, and then I explained why I still enjoyed the film despite its rather serious flaws---and I've already gotten THREE downvotes out of only 15 responses! WHY?
It's extremely frustrating that someone can throw a downvote at my hard work and not even have to say what they object to! I put hours into writing and editing an article, and it can have a bucket of piss dumped on it without the downvoter even having to open the article and read it.
It's disheartening and cruel, in my view, and the petulant, vindictive, murderous sociopath in me wants to look up who has thrown the first stone and then spend the rest of my life getting revenge by downvoting every single thing these rude folks ever do, send them nasty messages, maybe try to find out where they live---but (luckily for all concerned) the more calm, civilized, somewhat rational part of my personality is in charge (most of the time), and he's decided just to write this little complaint, express my frustration and sadness, and NOT take retaliatory measures.
The thought also crossed my mind that I've written for something like fifteen years online without encountering such negative treatment anywhere else---my last blog was on WordPress, and I posted over 7,000 posts in six years, and in that time I only received ONE negative comment---so why should I continue to publish on a site that ENCOURAGES people to be negative by giving away free downvotes (there were ALREADY flags for noting abuse, remember?), especially when I've never cashed out so much as a dime, so I've TECHNICALLY made as much money on this platform as I did on any of the other sites I've used over the years??? (That would be ZERO, by the way...)
But, again, the calm, rational guy takes over, and tells the rest of the folks, all frothing at the mouth and gathering pitchforks, to chill out. The community here is (mostly) excellent. Friendly, encouraging, and helpful. I've found some fascinating content producers whose writing and art and pop culture prowess I enjoy looking at, and my posts over the course of the last eleven months HAVE gotten a fair amount of attention and more than enough in terms of rewards. I BELIEVE in this community...and despite the constant ego attacks from an endless stream of negative vibe merchants, I'm doing all right.
Despite my FEARS from before the recent hardfork(s), I even think my rewards have INCREASED since the 50/50 split was instituted. (I don't know if this is because I tend to upvote a lot of folks whose content I enjoy, or if the increase in manual curation has lead more people to find and upvote my stuff... (I'm not good at math, so even if you showed me a breakdown of the statistics, I might not get it.))
Whatever the case, I think I've made my point here. I HATE the downvotes, specifically because the downvoters don't have to explain WHY they threw their negativity at me. Was the article mis-tagged? Was it not written well? Did they disagree with my premise? If so, perhaps a thoughtful comment explaining their objection or counter to my claim could lead to an interesting discussion---instead of the constant, mute, meaningless, middle finger drive-bys that are always flying my way, which in no way allow me to improve for future posts. It's not helpful critique to throw a downvote, it's just shitting on someone else's work.
If anyone wants to try to convince me otherwise, I'm willing to listen, but until there's a "Why I downvoted you" requirement for a negative vote, which could constitute some measure of helpful critique, I'm going to see every downvote as defaulting to this reason: "I'm downvoting this content because I'm a horrble, unpleasant asshole."
---Richard F. Yates
Posted using Partiko Android
Having looked at who the downvoters on your recent posts are, I can see exactly what's going on. There's a group here that fashions themselves "The Steemit Anti-Defense League", and their goal is to basically be small-dicked terrorists who attempt to run people off the platform.
You can recognize these accounts by their low reputation, complete lack of Steem Power, and the fact they leave a -10% vote on something you did.
The beauty of this is they have absolutely no power to affect anything that you do. You have a higher reputation, so their downvote cannot affect that, and their voting power, Steem Power, and vote value are so small as to be insignificant. We're talking a removal of $0.000000001 worth of your payout -- something so small it can't even show up on your radar.
These are bot accounts run by someone who thinks they are the "Anonymous" of Steemit, going around dowvoting folks for the lulz. But even if every one of their accounts dogpiled on you, a single upvote from someone like me (which, it should be noted, is only worth 1-2 cents) completely obliterates their act. They're going into the middle of the ocean, pissing out a few drops, then crowing about how they've completely polluted the ecosystem and all the fish are fucked. They literally do not understand how Steemit works or what a colossal waste of their already insignificant time this is.
So ignore 'em. Laugh at 'em. If you see a bunch of them running a line on you, and I haven't upvoted you yet, leave me a comment and I'll sweep them. They can't do shit, they know it, and now you do too. :)
I'm hated by the bots! Bummer... And, yeah, your analysis of the situation makes sense. I just need to thicken my skin up a bit, I suppose...
Posted using Partiko Android
Every post I've made in the past several months has been hit by one or more of the bot butt besiegers. The first few times it made me angry. After that, I realized I was giving them exactly what they wanted, and now I just ignore them.
They'll hit me whether I write a shitpost or something I've spent hours agonizing over and editing. At this point, it's their problem, not mine. :)
It's weirdly comforting to be hated by a bot. I wish someone would shut the haiku bot up though. That thing is terrible at haiku.
Ha! (That's funny...)
Posted using Partiko Android
What is this about reputations being higher or lower? If an entity with a reputation higher than mine downvotes me, it can do more damage? Is there no end to the witchery of this fork?!
The reputation thing isn't new to this HF, it's been that way for several years (at least as long as I've been here). But basically all upvotes affect your reputation, but the larger the upvote and the higher the rep of the person upvoting you, the larger the effect will be. Downvotes only affect your rep if they come from accounts with a higher reputation than yours -- lower reputation downvoters can still affect your payout, but your rep is basically a shield against a giant spam of low-rep downvote bots. :)
That makes sense! Thanks!!!
Posted using Partiko Android
Yes, a downvote from someone with a big rep will make yours go lower. But as long as you do good posts - like you do - and do not use bidbots you do not have much to fear.
Thanks for the info and the support.
Upvotes and downvotes, we should learn to live with them. Don't despair or get discouraged, the downvotes were most likely from bots and have no weight in your overall post payout.
Thank you for that clarification and encouragement, but I agree with @richardfyates. Any downvote is a bummer to those of us who are on the lower end of SP holdings. I just got two downvotes on a haiku for goodness sake. A haiku! It feels like Steem has let loose swarms of gnats.
I have also seen a huge downvote wipe out the earnings on an excellent post. I fear that now. I do not like carrying that fear around..
Respectfully, I submit my displeasure with downvotes.
Were you here before the bidbots appeared? This was two years ago
No but I admit I don't even know what bidbot is. Are they bothersome too? Thanks so much for taking the time to answer this.
I agree with you.
There is big change behind but us with smaller steem power dont have insights to what is going on.
Yeah... Intellectually, I know, but on an emotional level, they always sting.
Posted using Partiko Android
You can file an appeal over at their main page.
Tell them @myearchisover says to remove the downvote. lol
They haven't done any removals yet but I am optimistic.
FYI their is a .02 payout threshold so you .01 upvote will be a waste and go to 0.
Upvotes and downvotes, we should learn to live with them. Don't despair or get discouraged, the downvotes were most likely from bots and have no weight in your overall post payout.
Downvotes take away post payout but you upvoted this post??? #confused
There was no downvote from ocdb here. We actually voted this post. Are you saying you want us to remove the positive vote we gave Richard? That's low even from you.
Yeah, I've had nothing but support from ocdb.
Posted using Partiko Android
Good job! I edited my comment.
Great.. we need another confused, self proclaimed “leader” who doesn’t even know how the chain works or anything else for that matter... thanks for contributing to the nuthouse!
lol They were talking about being downvoted and I saw OCDB at the top so I think what I did was I made a #mistake and did not bother to look to the left to see that is was a positive and not a negative. I did edit my previous comment as well.
If you look at my newer comments and actions I think you might find some #steemskils and even #onlineskills and also other #skills as well. :)
Do you still feel that I am unqualified? If so I am open to discussion as to why you would feel that way. :) #curious #steemleader
I am so with you on this. The downvotes are harmful, and if it can be done without providing any explanation, then they are useless. I will not do it to anyone. And I fear getting a downvote that will wipe out my earnings, which has happened to a friend of mine on a damn near perfect post. A nearly $14 downvote! No explanation given in the comments and as far as I know he has not received one even though he has tried to find out.
One of the communities I write for is giving downvotes out to posts that do not meet the criteria for using their tag. While I understand the intent, it has made me afraid to use the tag.
Thanks for daring to say so. My complaints about it have been far more veiled, and those posts earn less. The behavior modification is not sitting well with me.
Yeah, I don't downvote, either. If I have an issue with a post, I may sometimes leave a comment expressing my viewpoint, but most of the time, I figure the content just isn't for me and I move on! It doesn't excite me to be negative... Still, after the bum-rush of downvotes on yesterday's post, I felt the need to vent a bit! (Ha!) Apparently, I'm not alone in my frustration!
Posted using Partiko Android
All three of those entities seem to do little but downvote, like downvote bots. I have no idea why they do that.
What post of this one you talk about?
Yeah it seems like a lot of down vote bits or something for me too - all I can think is that there is some monetary benefit to it that I'm not quite 100% on
Posted using Partiko Android
Always a bad thing to get downvotes without an explanation but I've learnt to over look
It's just a downvote not a negative attack on your person.
Personally I only downvote where I think there is an abuse since I accept everybody's opinions no matter how wrong they actually are. What this has served to do is put the rewards into the hands of people doing more positive work on the chain by removing rewards from the worst abusers. There will obviously be some blow back from this but overall I think that better content is getting rewarded and in the long run is a good thing. There will be some abuse as with any system but like you said your rewards seem higher. With a lot more users there would be a higher STEEM price and this will lead to more people spreading out the reward pool as well. The worst part for my right now is the power that a few accounts have overall but again with more users this will spread out and balance too.
I’m gonna be completely honest here and admit that After three years or so on Steemit. I still don’t understand how the whole thing works. Good thing I still have a real job.
I almost always click the upvote button of everything I read because I really never read much that’s not in my feed.
Sometimes I even upvote when I don’t have time to read or watch the video.
I try to remember to upvote any comments that are made in reply to any of my posts or comments. Unless we’re having a spat or something.
I really can’t think of any reason why I would not continue to live by the adage: If you can’t say something good. Don’t say anything at all.
I can’t see how the downvote button is going to change much for me
Posted using Partiko Android
I know what you mean, I received downvotes as well, but in general I think that the system has improved since their introduction. Like @modernzorker has pointed out they may mostly just be from accounts having almost no SP. If that's the case just ignore it. I'll give you a follow :)
Thanks! It's much appreciated!
Posted using Partiko Android
I checked the downvoters on your post too, and I've been downvoted recently by the same bot or whatever it is. Rest assured that it has absolutely nothing to do with your content. Judging from the one post each of the bot accounts has published, I doubt they even read English. I agree that they are just being jerks for the sake of it. I'm sure karma will straighten it out in the end. Keep doing your thing and ignore them, just like my mom used to tell me to do with the bullies at school.
What bot is doing the downvoting?
You are confusing different things here.
ocd downvotes for bot use. Stop buying votes, and you won't see a downvote by them any more.
The ones downvoting here are just trolls with no power. There's nothing to be done about those, but they don't hurt anyone either.
I think my downvotes should be removed and I think me and most other people should be allowed to use the bots.
Oh ok. He must be talking about a different post or something. I got real confused on this one.
It looks like these are some of the bots.
Are you able to get steemit to remove the delegations? I can see why these people are annoyed.
Maybe you could make a post and have @OCDB give it a big upvote?
Thanks for the reply and good info.
Stop spreading lies.
Whoops! I do apologize. Can you please edit your comment?
This post was confusing to me but it looks like
are some of the bots
Are you able to get steemit to remove the delegations? I let @pharesim know.
Maybe somebody can make a post and have @OCDB give it a big upvote?
Thanks for the reply and info.
FYI I did take some action in regards to this #abuse
I edited my
Comment. Do you know what he
Is talking about?
- mysearchisover
I'm a bot. I detect haiku.
I did take some action in regards to this #abuse
I agree with you.
What is the best solution for steem now!