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RE: Downvote Control Tool Proposal, smarter downvotes, more options and more !

in #downvotes6 years ago

This is nothing more than an organized mafia based on subjective opinions and your website is just a tool to rally the villagers to go attach others that don't meet whatever standard whales have.

This "proof of brain" in it's current form is garbage because it's not really "the community" that decides what is good content and what is bad. It boils down to the guy with the biggest wallet that chooses what is good and what is bad. That's not "proof of brain" it's "proof of wallet influence".

You say "which users? How about:

I know you cleverly used one of the reasons on the list of "suggested reasons" to downvote someone, but why did you disagree with the rewards? Because you thought @roxane's post was not up to your standard?

You see, social plateforms are about sharing. Not every post needs to be some earth shattering photo, thought, or blog on "how to fix things". Sometimes people want to share spur of the moment things. This mafia website plan of yours will only discourage people from sharing and will make people walk on egg shells and eventually just leave. Soon, you'll have only about 100 left appreciate all your superficial selves.
