Congratulations, @dpd! I also love this platform.
I think you gave downvote on one of my posts. If you are kind enough let me know the reason behind your action, I would understand it.
Congratulations, @dpd! I also love this platform.
I think you gave downvote on one of my posts. If you are kind enough let me know the reason behind your action, I would understand it.
Yes I did, the reason I did so is, as you probably know this is a platform specifically designed for reviews, your post didn't seem to fit into this. If you changed it into a review of the video, I'd be happy to reverse my downvote.
For being reasonable and coming and talking with me, I also gave your comment an upvote.
Have a nice day,
~ @dpd
Thank you for your response. I appreciate that. I feel the same way as you do about Realityhubs. I also love the idea of this platform - reviewing stuff, expressing your thoughts on it.
In Realityhubs introduction post, it is mentioned in the Products section,
To get a good idea, I asked this question on that post.
Later, I joined Realityhubs Discord server. And I got the answer from Realityhubs founder, @knowledges.
I'm passionate about martial arts. I express my thoughts on different things about martial arts and self defense.
Let's come to the post that brought us together and have a good conversation.
If you see it in a different angle, it is a review of knife defense techniques in Filipino Martial Art VS Wing Chun. Source
Yes, there is no review word over there.
I wish you good luck and success!The decision is up to you, @dpd. It can be the beginning of our friendship.
Wow. You really did your research. I'm glad we could discuss this and I have learned something, so thank you! I've upvoted your post 100% now =)
Let's be friends. You'd probably be better off following my main account @cadawg, as that's where I post most stuff.
Thank you,
Have a great day,
~ @dpd
Thank you very much.
See you around!
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