Mail call for Momo 沫沫 the Labrador

in #dpet5 years ago

Momo's interested in trying new careers. Lately she's wanted to be a dog fashion model. A parcel of props to support her new interest arrived today. At first she wasn't keen with modelling bathrobes because, Momo hates baths.


And here's the first bathrobe. The material is a microfibre fleece and basically a robe / towel thing. Momo dutifully posed next to a new bowl. We took this candid when she found out that the bowl says "The one who spends money / 花钱的".


Momo wills food to appear in her the bowl. I mean, that's how it works right?! Stare at the bowl until food magically appears.


It worked! Treats materialised ready to be nom nom'd. The bowl kept the sneaky treats from escaping under the couch where she cannot reach.


This bathrobe has fancy velcro fasteners, but is for a much larger dog. I might get out the sewing kit and do some adjustments, but it is kinda funny watching Momo trip and womble about.

Until next time.


omg, Momo is so cute, what a 'model' pup!
Hoping next year to get a dog that's willing to get a doggo robe too ;)

I think she definitely doesn't like the bath robes, maybe it lacks some colour for a wannabe dog fashion model? Just sayin 😊

Maybe patterns? Dogs are red/green colour blind.

I didn't know that!!! You learn something new everyday!

Their vision is about 80:20 but can see about 5 times better at night. I heard dogs also have better movement detection.

OH! That irresistible smile, Momo! The camera loves you :)

Momo you look beautiful ! You're the next petfluencer :)

ahahah Momo looks really cute in that robe. I had fun watching Momo. it seems that you are having fun with it too :)

Momo is a lucky dog! Had to have a look when I saw Momo's cute face. The robe looks good as well, so considering a change of career wouldn't be that bad!

She's adorable!

It´s a girl but adorable for sure :D :)

It was a typo, fixed it! Thanks for pointing it out :D