Voted for
Simply voted regular dpoll voters/users :)
PS: no response since I asked you about prospectors. I'm surprised lol
Voted for
Simply voted regular dpoll voters/users :)
PS: no response since I asked you about prospectors. I'm surprised lol
I was sure something was not right... now I know why =) you missed it =)

I did reply =) I was waiting... thinking you had dumped me 😞 LOL
Happy to create an account for you mate... just read that post about my account on STEEM that represents my EOS one... its the only post I have there... it's simple... @ffoorryykkww here... and on EOS! =) Read that post... and if you feel buying EOSpeg is too complicated... Calculate the equivalent price in STEEM and send to that user the same ammount... and I will create you one! =) We need more prospectors miners!
PS: You were right about being surprised! =)
Arrggg! I know it only takes a few seconds for you to reply here and I would put my money on the fact you had replied but it turns out that I wasn't notified.
Anyways, I just checked out EOSP on Steem engine and it's currently about 22 steem. I should be able to raise that in a few days (considering I don't stumble on any SM card at giveaway price 😂) and I'll follow the procedure as described on the post. Thanks!
Posted using Partiko Android
I think we are micro forking already.. I have been missing some comments too lately...
This is normal folks... its because we are changing the software version.. and the software softforks to the new "chain"'s... and sometimes calls/posts get lost within the wrong chain... perfectly normal. This will be more reliable the more witnesses we have... and the more HA we have within the same witness.. SMT's code might help... too. I hope.