Is America doomed?
Something something Fall of Rome...
- Yep.
- Nope.
- The Liberals did it.
- The Conservatives did it.
- The Boomers did it.
- The Millennials did it.
- The Politicians did it.
- I did it. Me. ME!
- Somebody else did it.
- Nazis did it.
- I don't know. (Coward Option)
- I don't know. (Chad Option)
- 7
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And they are doomed themselves by not controlling their own reproduction.
You can take this literally, because they are reproducing uncontrollably.
Africa have the highest birth rate in the world.
There are extreme poverty, starvation, and even the lack of clear water in many places, yet they are constantly giving birth to children. Why?
The birth rate in Africa is 5-7 per woman? Why?
About 250 babies born every minute. More than 130 million in a year. Why?
According to this source, Africa's overall population is set to reach three times that of Europe by 2050. Why?
Why are they (the people in Africa) doing this?
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Most of the population is responsible in many ways. I still do't think it is completely doomed.
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