DO you find people over a certain intelligence threshold tend to care LESS about politics?
Ok, so I observe this phenomenon on several friends of mine who all hold at postgraduate degrees (Masters, PhD) from top universities. They like to talk about politics a lot, and can spend hours debating political and social issues.
But when it comes to elections, they would all just stay home and watch the results unfold on TV, not making the trip to nearest voting booth at all even if it's just right across the street. Recall the two economists voting joke:
Two world-class economists run into each other at the voting booth.
"What are you doing here?" one asks.
"My wife made me come," the other says.
The first economist gives a confirming nod. "The same."
After a mutually sheepish moment, one of them hatches a plan: "If you promise never to tell anyone you saw me here, I'll never tell anyone I saw you." They shake hands, finish their polling business and scurry off.
And this is indeed what I observed.
- Yes, I find that more intelligent people tend to care LESS about politics
- No, I don't see correlation between intelligence and political affection
- No, I find that more intelligent people tend to care MORE about politics
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吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~由 @shine.wong 金闪闪 迎着沙尘暴 徒步 给您送来
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They do vote here more like the low class they stay at home and complain. Never heard of this kind of jokes either.
Truth is voted during the past two elections disappeared, the mp and ministers scold at you if you vote for something else as them/present reign and the high educated said they will lose their job if the government, University etc knows what you voted for.
Wow, lose your job for political affiliation? What country are you from?
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Year's ago I did it with a friend and colleague, testing restaurants on Wednesday evening. It was quite an experience. So many bad ones. There was one great Italin but from one day to the next it was gone, very strange since they accepted my reservation for 10.
I wish you fun testing, a great Sunday evening and start of the new week. ❤️
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