
As a thought experiment, if I had global monopoly of violence and sufficient capacity to deal with all the information, all evil acts would be brought to light. I would pay special attention to governments, corporations and criminal organizations. Vast new prison complexes would have to be constructed to house all the new inmates. The project would take years as universities would have to crank out large numbers of new graduates with law degrees to act as defense lawyers, prosecutors and judges.

When it comes what precisely Assange helped publish, there might be some ethical dilemmas when it comes to people being put into harms way because of that but I don't know the details of any of that.

Then I would suggest you edit your article and reword the fist point, he is an Australian citizen, and thus cannot be a traitor to the USA.

"Julian Assange's actions were morally questionable." is one suggestion for the rewording.

Are you aware that Australia is part of Five Eyes?



Five Eyes
The Five Eyes, often abbreviated as FVEY, is an anglophone intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.The origins of the FVEY can be traced back to the post–World War II period, when the Atlantic Charter was issued by the Allies to lay out their goals for a post-war world. During the course of the Cold War, the ECHELON surveillance system was initially developed by the FVEY to monitor the communications of the former Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc, although it is now used to monitor billions of private communications worldwide.In the late 1990s, the existence of ECHELON was disclosed to the public, triggering a major debate in the European Parliament and, to a lesser extent, the United States Congress. As part of efforts in the ongoing War on Terror since 2001, the FVEY further expanded their surveillance capabilities, with much emphasis placed on monitoring the World Wide Web.