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RE: Hashtag for a Steem/Tron Partnership?

in #dpoll5 years ago (edited)

I feel like we can do a lot better than this. Why are people in the Steem community so bad at coming up with names for things? Best evidenced by projects like Steem Monsters. Just put the word Steem before everything... sorted! So bad... so lazy and totally void of any original thought. It's a nice example because spliterlands is obviously way way better.

if you mashup the words Steem and Tron "strong" is a pretty obvious adjacent adjective we might want to be using. #strong? Still not great. Too generic, but still better than what's being presented.

#stronstrong? #SteemStrong? I'm useless.


Agreed, something like STUN (Steem + Sun), the partnership that might stun us all ?
It can be interpreted negatively as well as positively, so it can be fitting for everyone.

I guess we're all useless then. :)

Go ahead and create some more polls. Let's find something that works.