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RE: Do You Think HF21 Will/Would Change Your Curation/Upvoting Behavior If You Have/Had High SP?

in #dpoll6 years ago

Hey, @mattockfs.

Thanks for the answers.

You're the second or third person that I've read mention changing what they do on comments. I can see where there will be little to know incentive at all after HF21, and I may find myself doing that, too. Which I'm not happy about, because I feel like it's a good way to help those with lower SP, which accounts for the vast majority of STEEM users.

I've not autoved ever, but I have thought about it frequently, and more so now that I'm back to work. I've been trying to get my upvotes out there far enough each day that the VP doesn't sit at 100%, but it doesn't always work out. And I know if I'm going to pay any serious attention to making curation work for me, I need to be able to time upvotes on posts that will get the larger upvotes.