I had like to say all but the possibility of all of them being accepted is low so if am aked to choose I will go for
- Bill payment,
- Brocery stores and
- Netflix subscription.
I had like to say all but the possibility of all of them being accepted is low so if am aked to choose I will go for
Hey, @maxwellmarcusart.
Yeah, I figured some of you might be looking at it from a more practical or pragmatic standpoint, so I figured some would want to start out small with some fairly basic things, while others would probably just want it all and be done with. :)
I agree though. It's going to be a step by step process, but I think we can get there. It becomes like a snowball rolling down hill at some point. We just need to get the ball up the other side of the hill.
Yeah, taking everything at once would not be a good idea. I think it should be tested in some products preferably the ones we regularly consume.
Then, gradually, others could be added.
Posted using Partiko Android
Well, knowing the hodge podge way things tend to happen here, I don't know that there would be any testing or trials or organized onboarding. It would just kind of slide on from wherever without much rhyme or reason. If that's what you mean, we're golden. :)
Oh if it just being slided on from wherevere without much testing, they wont be assured that it would be generally accepted.
Posted using Partiko Android