There was no attack on your grammar. You decided to get insulting toward me for asking a question and I, as kindly as I could, pointed out that the block of text that you referred to is hard to read on screen. That is not grammar, that is formatting 101.
If I want my content read, I try to format it to invite the reader to read.
Seemed I opened a can of worms lol
Posted using Partiko Android
apparently anyone daring to ask such a basic question of her ladyship will open said can LOL
She muted me so she wont see what I'm saying which is okay with me.
It seems she puts herself out as providing support and teaching to Steemians who need help. I hope she doesn't treat them all like the folks in this comment thread. We'll have to start a Steem abuse program. LOL
The current Rambling Radio Schedule can be found here
It's All About Community!@shadowspub
Lol thanks for the follow back
Posted using Partiko Android
So I was very interested in the steem nurse project, curious to know more, but the catty response to what I would consider quite normal and valid comments makes me not want to check it out.
I actually will not be joining the discord as I had planned. Sad. 😿