Voted for
- It takes too much time for me to find posts where I consider a downvote to be appropriate.
I don't always have the time to find enough for my 2.5 DV's per day. I do flag when I can and quite often get shit for doing it like yesterday's episode.
Explaining time and time ago is annoying and sending them the bidbotophant often gets their backs up.
This is the Bidbotophant link, I'm sure you have seen it.
Despite what it says, I have up-voted your post :)
Thank you for commenting.
I can relate to that. I think it's mainly because one tends to question the distribution of a downvote much more critically than that is the case with an upvote. And this questioning takes time. Ideally, a downvote should be as easy to distribute as an upvote. But I don't know how realistic it is that we will ever get there.
I know of course the Bidbottophant. Poor guy lost his eye already. I have to say though that for me vote buying still as place in #newsteem. Main point for me is that that vote buying has to come at a cost. Like the word buying does imply. And furthermore, that it is understood that buying votes for a post simply increases the likelyhood that more stakeholders will disagree with the rewards of that post towards the lower end.
As you can see by 'my other reply', I get this often. I have nothing against 'don-t' but expecting a return from a bought vote should no longer be considered 'the thing'.
Yes. buying is still has a place, poster can always deny themselves rewards if they want to advertise and appear on Trending.