Voted for
- A revolution and a civil war is approaching /Una revolución y una guerra civil se acerca
- North American troops will enter to crush Maduro /Entrarán tropas norteamericanas para aplastar a Maduro
- South American troops will enter to take out Maduro /Entrarán tropas sudamericanas para sacar a Maduro
The crisis in Venezuela seems to be escalating quickly. I think either a revolution or civil war is at hand. If the former happens and Maduro is overthrown quickly, then peace might can be restored, though the recovery and rebuilding will take decades. However, if he lingers or survives an attempted revolution, then a civil war could easily break out. If this happens, then I firmly suspect both the USA and the nations from South America will become involved militarily to stop the violence from spilling out of the country. However, it's also likely Russian, Chinese, Cuban, or even possibly Mexican forces could intercede for Maduro, which would drag the civil war out even longer. However, I don't see Maduro surviving as President in any case, not forever.
I'm not opposed to US military intervention in Venezuela to stop the spread of any more communist violence in the western hemisphere. Trust me, I live reasonably close to the cost of the Gulf of Mexico. The last thing I want is another Cuba, or in this case "Cuba 2: Communist Boogaloo," right across a relatively small ocean from me. However, I do want to make sure the side we support is the correct side, and not just another tyrant who will fill Maduro's shoes, as has happened when we intervened internationally before. I think it would also help if Columbia or Brazil's Bolsanaro helped us in these efforts.