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RE: Dpoll 13: The customer is king?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Voted for

  • No, I keep my mouth shut
  • No,you won't see me again

I don't eat out anymore. But, when I did, I never complained about my food not being good (unless it was something extreme). Here's why:

  • Who are you complaining to? Most likely some underpaid teenager who just wants to go home.
  • How do you know they won't take your food back and spit into it?
  • If this is happening often to you, perhaps it's time to save money & boost your health by cooking at home.

I cook at home. If I go out I go to/went to a real restaurant not a fast food. At these restaurants they give service, no teenagers work, there is a manager and you can talk to the cook.
If you never complain and stay away this means too a restaurant will never know what they do wrong. I know some who had a very short life as a restaurant. These days many have a site or Facebook too.
Big chance they do not admit they are wrong but that doesn't mean nothing will change.
Thank you for your vote/sharing your opinion. Enjoy your day 💕

Thank you, you too :^)

Thank you for your vote. You do not think it can improve the restaurant if they know customers are unsatisfied?

I suppose it just depends on the restaurant right?

Like, a low-tier shitty one probably just doesn't care enough.

@stuffbyspencer I guess you are right. They always have customers and the good ones go bankrupt first. ❤️