For me, talking is a lot different than complaining. I'm not complaining or do not like to weigh others down , for me it is already an accusation and an attacking. I don't want to blame anybody. I would only ask if I could have another one instead of the burned one.
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It all has to do too with which words you use.
You're right, wakeupkitty, a complaint can be said in a friendly way. Nevertheless, it can still come down from above, according to the motto I am everything and you are nothing, or one acts over the other head. And often people who are not so good at it may feel sad and retreat or become will-less or concentrate too much on the outside world, whether they are doing it right and think the other is perfect. The feeling that it is good the way they do it and the way they are may not arise. And maybe people at home are constantly nagging at him or her. Above all people in a position of power (e.g. in authorities, schools ...) should pay attention to this, that they don't pull away the ground out from under people's feet .
If I buy food on my day out in a restaurant where I saved 6 months for I do not expect to get a burned piece of meat and cold food plus a come one year over the date that tastes sour.
I complain about it and the restaurants gives me something else and we are fine.
If I buy a new car it can be a "Friday afternoon model" and broke. I will not accept it because the mechanics who worked on it had a bad day or we're more busy with their phone or tired after a week of working.@suntree I do not think that if you buy something, no matter if it is a plate of food, new car or a trousers you should accept the bad item because the seller had a bad day.
It has nothing to do with looking down on someone. If you, as a business person, can not give people value for their money, cannot deal with criticism and are not interested in satisfied customers and have the feeling people look down on you there is something seriously wrong with your self-esteem and you should work on that and not run a business.
I assume you do because you believe in yourself, your qualities, the product you sell.
Of course the servant can spoil the plate of food too, bring it too late or drop it on the floor but a good restaurant knows how to deal with that too. We all know that things can go wrong if you work but that is not a reason not to complaint/mention it so you learn what customers like, need or except. It will only do the business good.
What I noticed is that many complain but not if they sit in the restaurant. At that moment they eat what they dislike, pay a high price but they are too much coward to spit it out, raise their hand and tell what others them.
Instead they tell the whole world and put it on the internet.
Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate it and understand what you mean.
I wish you a great day. ❤️
I understand everything, wakeupkitty, I just miss something. Something, like it could be. I think we humans are so far from something. But you better not ask me what I mean with something. I don't know myself, haha.
I wish you a great day too, wakeupkitty :)