Are you 420 Friendly?

in #dpoll5 years ago

Are you 420 Friendly?

I am all for the 420 :) I am for both the high of it and also for the health of it :)


What are your weed friendly or unfriendly reasons?
In your state or country: is marijuana legal?

I would love to introduce you to a site:

This site is all about the 420 and individuals who love to write, share, and communicate on a social level to the "419, do you have a minute" network :)

My Profile there: A 420 friendly poem I wrote:

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  • Half & Half

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Yes I am...but ur baked while u wrote this shit...Soo Fuk Yes!! Baked dudes should notake quizzes..😎

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  • Yes

all day long

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  • Half & Half

It was not legal so far. Even if it would be legal, I am still not sure whether I would smoke or not. I have read that Cannabis has good and bad effects, so that is why I voted for the "Half & Half".I actually have not tried Cannabis so far, but I also have a profile (, but I am not really using it. I have tried it a few times. That is all. I am not a smoker. Cannabis is currently illegal in my country (Hungary)

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  • Half & Half

I support the right of anyone to do whatever they want, and I think cannabis should absolutely be legal. The fact that people are in prison for a plant is tragic.

That said, quitting it was one of the best decisions I ever made. Cannabis made me lazy and stupid and I'm so glad to have it be in my past at this point.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

You may rely on it

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all day. give me a follow & check out some of my glass.

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