I know it's a pretty big concern among us users, and one of the reasons why I don't favor downvoting as it is currently constituted—essentially without rules, and now with a few free each day.
I'd like to think that investors who are just looking for ROI would be interested in such things, but I've seen too many accounts just sitting on STEEM and not actively participating other than through some form of delegations or proxy voting for it likely to be that they're even on STEEM on a regular basis and have even an inkling of an idea of what's going on in the community or on the platform at large.
@glenalbrethsen The platform, new steel, is for investors and they do not have time to be here or do not like to be here and invest. That is a huge problem. Let's hope the bigger group will use its voice and make it the platform we like it to be. ❤️
Hey, @wakeupkitty.
I know it's a pretty big concern among us users, and one of the reasons why I don't favor downvoting as it is currently constituted—essentially without rules, and now with a few free each day.
I'd like to think that investors who are just looking for ROI would be interested in such things, but I've seen too many accounts just sitting on STEEM and not actively participating other than through some form of delegations or proxy voting for it likely to be that they're even on STEEM on a regular basis and have even an inkling of an idea of what's going on in the community or on the platform at large.