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RE: Why Would You Divorce?

in #dpoll6 years ago

Voted for

  • One of us falling out of love
  • Both of us falling out of love, “growing out”
  • Infidelity of my partner
  • Lack of children
  • Social, professional gap (high differences of classes)
  • Alcohol or drugs
  • Sexual problems (impotence, frigidity or other)
  • Poverty or high debt level
  • Unreasonable or controlling behavior of the partner
  • Violent behavior of the partner
  • Other

Ended up ticking most of the boxes. Which brings us back to why marry in the first place? Obviously, a lot depends on your special other. The more boxes he/she ticks, the more you might wish to marry him/her (and therefore the less likely you should be to ever consider divorce - all other things being equal, of course). But marriage is hardly essential for a wonderful life of bliss involving 2 people and potential offspring. You get tax benefits? Woo bloody hoo. Maybe if I yearned to have a child, I'd think a little differently, but the planet's already struggling to hold everyone so I think the right thing to do is not have children...