in #dragonary4 years ago


In Dragonary, each player starts with three dragons. However, the goal is to progress through the game and do missions with better rewards. Therefore, the breeding system is key to producing new and better dragons that can be used in battle or sold through the marketplace as NFT dragons (from dragons with "rare" rarity onwards).

Read also: Dragonary: Coinary Token Price (CYT)
All the information that you will read below can be found in the video game's Whitepaper that you can find on its official website.

Within Dragonary you will have two ways of raising dragons: breeding through union of dragons and with fusion of dragons.

In both cases the result will be an egg or a dragon that will have an incubation or maturation period depending on the rarity.

Incubation or maturation times
Common: 3 hours
Uncommon: 12 hours
Rare (NFT): 24 hours
Epic (NFT): 48 hours
Legendary (NFT): 96 hours
Mythic (NFT): One week
The incubation period applies only to the eggs that will produce Common, Uncommon, and Rare Dragons. Higher rarity Dragons can only be achieved by fusing "lower rarity" dragons.

In the case of fusions (Epic, Legendary and Mythic), the dragons will be visible immediately. However, they cannot be used until the maturation period has passed .

Breeding by uniting dragons
With common and rare dragons you can create eggs by joining two dragons. Dragons must be Adults (maximum level). There is no mating in Dragonary, instead the eggs are magically created by two dragons.

The resulting dragons 'stats will be equal to the creator dragons' average stats plus 20%.

Dragons as a result of breeding (creation of eggs) may have different elements, depending on which creator dragons we use and the chosen ember. 40% of the element's chances are determined by a creator dragon, another 40% by the other creator dragon, and 20% by the ember. For example, 2 Fire Dragons and one Fire ember = 100% fire dragon chances. While 1 Fire Dragon, 1 Air Dragon and 1 Air ember = 60% Air Dragon 40% Fire Dragon.

Read also: Dragonary, the Latin American NFT game and free play
In case the element of the ember used is different from both creator Dragons and the resulting dragon element is that of the chosen ember, the resulting dragon will effectively be from the new element (different from the creators). But it will always be a "basic" dragon (common, with a sum of 30 stats) regardless of the stats or rarities of the creator dragons.

Dragons have 3 basic Stats: Strength / Cunning / Endurance. The Sum of these Stats is what determines the initial rarity of a dragon.

Common: sum between: 30 and 49.
Uncommon: sum between 50 and 89.
Rare: sum greater than 90.
This process also requires an ember and a commission payment in Coinary Tokens. The commissions will be defined according to the number of times a dragon has been used to create an egg and the rarity of the dragons.

The commission prices for creating eggs based on the number of eggs the dragon has already created are as follows:

Costs to unite two common dragons
Eggs created cost
0 5 CYT
1 10 CYT
2 20 CYT
3 30 CYT
4 40 CYT
5+ 50 CYT
If the result is a higher rarity dragon, then the cost is multiplied by 1.5. These tokens will be locked and returned in case the resulting dragon is not of a higher rarity.

Costs to unite two rare dragons
Eggs created cost
0 fifty
1 70
2 90
3 110
4 130
5+ 150
If the result is a higher rarity dragon, then the cost is multiplied by 2.

1- Two common dragons come together, neither has created eggs before.

The cost would be CYT 5.

2- Two common dragons come together, one has not created an egg and the other has created 3 eggs.

The cost would be that of the most expensive dragon, 30 CYT.

3- Two dragons come together, one common and one rare that have not created eggs before. The cost would be the most expensive, in this case 50 CYT.

4- Two dragons join, two rare, both with an egg created and the result is a rare dragon. The cost would be CYT 70. multiplied by 2 since the result is a rare dragon. Total cost: 140 CYT.

Breeding by merging dragons
To continue the deflationary economy of Dragonary, you will have to fuse dragons of a particular rarity to get a dragon of higher rarity. In this process, the dragons used in the fusion disappear, they can never be used again.

The resulting dragon in a fusion will be statistically superior to the dragons used in the fusion.

To merge dragons you will require five (5) dragons of the same rarity, for example, you will need five (5) rare dragons to create an epic dragon.

The dragon you choose to "upgrade rarity" will determine the item resulting from the fusion. This first dragon will need to have its maximum level, the other 4 dragons that will be used as a sacrifice must be adult dragons.

The stats of the resulting dragon will be equivalent to the statuses of the original dragon, and in addition, 10% of the statuses of each sacrificed dragon will be added to it.

As with common and rare dragons, you are going to need an ember and pay a commission in Coinary Tokens (CYT).

Commissions for RARE dragons
By dragon -> 200 CYT = 200 CYT * 5 dragons = 1000 CYT to reach Epico

Commissions for EPIC dragons
By dragon -> 400 CYT = 400 CYT * 5 = 2000 CYT to reach Legendary

Commissions for LEGENDARY dragons
By dragon -> 1000 CYT = 1000 CYT * 5 = 5000 CYT to reach Mythic