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RE: She stood in the Storm...

in #drama7 years ago (edited)

LOL you Beanz shills are so pathetic. Trying to threaten me with an "investigation." What a joke. Here, come "investigate" me and troll me all you want. I have nothing to hide from the likes of you.

Tracy "over the sweet spot?" What the hell are you talking about? Tracy hasn't been over any spot. Q is over the target, not Tracy. You know the false flags that just happened today? Las Vegas mall shooter waving around a fake gun, threatening people. Florida shooter at Trump's golf course threatening people. Santa Fe school shooting in Texas. All of these events were a direct response from the deep state to Q's posts yesterday, not because Tracy is over some "sweet spot," you doofus.

Yeah, you're not a researcher nor do you have any clue what is going on. So I suggest you shut up and keep listening to, follow, and believe everything your hero Tracy says, like the sheep you are.


Why no mention of cicada 3301, matlock, or defango?