Stickman Adventure, Part 12: Deeper

in #drawing7 years ago

Our hero gathers as many of the mysterious wooden objects as he can carry, and descends deeper into the cave. There are stone steps here that are plainly man made. With no free hands to hold the phone, our hero attached it to his skull helmet as a makeshift headlamp. The battery is at 75%.

What would you have our hero do next?

Stay Cozy!


Our hero continues his path down the cave. When he is almost reaching the end of the stairs he hears some noises and lots of bats scared with the light start flying around. He is so surprised that the mysterious wooden objects fell in the floors. When he goes to pick them up again, he notices some big footprints...(continues in part 13) :)

He should explore further in hopes of finding the person or people who made them, he could possibly barter his pile of thick rock-hard wooden sticks for food, supplies and lodging.

he should make an armour out of the wooden objects he has gathered "the dick is mightier then the sword "

He should make an armour using these objects, he will be untouchable!
Lets throw the objects down and listen to amazing sounds of wooden boners falling on the stares!
How often in your life can you do something like that!?

Our hero decided to explore the deeps of the cave. But before that he needs to be sure that his mobile phone can give him the light he needs in his exploration. Since the battery of his phone is at 75% he thinks it was still ok ang gives hime time to continue and explore. He also thinks that he can make fire out of the wooden objects and brought as many as he can with him in the deeper part of the cave. What drives him to to explore the deeper part of the cave is curiosity. He wants to know what he may find in the deeper part of the cave and he wants to know if somebody lives here or if there is another exit since he discovers that there were stone steps that are man made. But he is also prepared the danger that he could face in this exploration.

Our hero should leave a few of the wooden objects behind, carry his phone in his hand, and then go deeper. The phone is in a precarious position, if it falls from the skull, it would suck for him.

I agree, we need to leave a trail of mysterious breadcrumbdicks.

Haha, our hero is doing really great,well, let's pray his makeshift headlamp's battery doesnt go down to 0% as he descends deeper into the cave. Goodluck mr.Stickman am looking forward to your next move.

I heard a rumor that he had a problem in the past with huffing glue in sandwich bags when he'd go to vocation bible school in the summers as a child. Rumor also has it that at the bottom of the steps, a fresh case of model car glue is hiding underneath a tarp.

Our hero is very smart using his phone as a headlight. He should put all his things he gathered in a safe place. Go explore what’s deeper in the cave. If the steps are man made there must be something. He must be careful with the light, someone may be waiting for him. Instead he should expect anything, be very silent since it’s all new to him. He is in a survival mode now.

So, it appears that the mysterious wooden objects are bones and he's headed deeper into the cave but it's unclear what the intent is here. I would put the bones down and take a quick look at where the steps lead. Carrying all that stuff could lead to an accident on the way down and isn't too stealthy.

The plot thickens. This is a great story and a lot of fun.

Next, our hero sees light threw a sewer grate and stacks the "objects" up to use as a ladder to climb up.

PLay angry bird on his phone untill it has 10% left. After that use the bones to make a fort for when the humanoid comes. Sharpen one bone into a knife.

well i always love this thanks for sharing

Stairs are man made so there should be more things he can find further, like food or tools that can help him on the journey. So he should go forward to the path.

So, it appears that the mysterious wooden objects are bones and he's headed deeper into the cave but it's unclear what the intent is here. I would put the bones down and take a quick look at where the steps lead. Carrying all that stuff could lead to an accident on the way down and isn't too stealthy.

He then hears some noises... Out of the deep. They seemed like human voices. Quickly and swiftly he descends and the voices become clearer and clearer...

Good work good post.

Good post

Our hero should use the makeshift headlamp to make his way up the stone steps

Extraordinary imagination

to take a selfie and post it on Steemit

I think our hero should be more corageous and stronger to continue

He should probably go to somewhere safe, store the items then free himself of burden, he can then build a camp and rest, then search for something to eat before moving again

i am always love this thanks for sharing

Its pile of dicks? :D

I think our hero should've stolen a bag from the monster... If only we'd knew he'd stumble upon such treasure a few chapters earlier he could've prepared for a larger inventory.. But now I guess.. Explore and hope nothing is waiting in the dark. :D

Let him go further down. He is bound to find another person in there.

OMG, i love so much the stickman animations, it brings exact recollections from years earlier than when I saw the GIF animations :)
I assume our hero must go deeper underground and see what he can find.
Thats a chunk curious item, haha

in order for his stone to quickly get down he must throw him down,

Omg, why would he pick giant pile of wooden objects and move with them down... lol :D
And now he can't even drop them because it will make lots of noise. Okay whatever, let's just go down yolo.

I dont know

No point in turning back now. Continue deeper!

If the Hero continues the adventure he could find something more and may some precious metals also, so he should continue this adventure.

Thank you and Have a great day.

before the battery get discharged he should come out of the cave.

The HERO should come put of the cave with all the collected mysterious objects.

Thank you,...steem on and stay blissful...

First time to visit your blog and got interested by the Stickman Adventure. Its a good story and what interest me is you also let your readers join to create a good story.

What I think, The stickman, our hero will go to deeps of the cave. I think he wants to know if there are inhabitants in the deeps of the cave. Our hero is so smart that he brought with him those wooden object that it may be very useful. Since the battery of his phone is at 75%. he should be very quick in his exploration.

And I will be following your story @alexbeyman

Oh my god he's so screwed. Caves are good for using as a bathroom; and good to explore too.. just not right after escaping from a fucking monster!!!

He should high tail it out of there; dildos in hand