Stickman Adventure, Part 7: Well

in #drawing7 years ago

Our hero takes the jug, and fashions a helmet from one of the skulls by bashing out the bottom. He then sneaks out of the cabin and towards the well, just beyond which the creature is taking a leak on some rocks.

What would you have our hero do?

Stay Cozy!


If I was him I would sneak from the back and hit him in the head with the bone

I think Hero should attack the creature now and get hold into it and then Hero can accomplish everything at his will.

Steem on....

We're looking rad. We probably need to get some water from the well.
We'll observe the barge(?) before deciding our next move.

Just let the creature leak and run or he can use the axe of the creature to knock them down.

The hero has the element of surprise and the creature didn't know that he is there. The hero could sneak to the creatures back and use that bone/club weapon to knock the creature out or he could just leave and proceed to his next journey.

Haha this is great!
Hmm...I'd say let the creature finish emptying it's bladder and (hopefully) wander off, then our hero can get some water.
Most importantly, before the creature finishes taking a leak, I suggest our hero take a long distance selfie with it, otherwise, who would believe his story when he hopefully survives?

The the well string and a random stick to make a bow and fire the club at the monster.

Knowing he's outmatched, our hero runs for the axe and grabs it as the humanoid turns around.

He should break the jug over the mans head, then take a leak on him to establish dominance and take his axe. Leaving him to wallow in filth and shame.

Or, he could just knock him out with the dildo and take his axe. Whichever works I guess.

I believe in the non-aggression principal so I vote for the hero to wait for the creature to leave and then fill the jug.

I wish the hero will use the helmet to keep himself safe and explore what treasure is in the well

stone and keep hiding behind the cabin!!
keep working @alexbeyman

Our hero has been hiding for quite a while now, its about time he shows us why hes called a "Hero". I think he should take his chances and attack the micturating beast so that the move is a bit to his advantage as the creature would be focused on his willy.

I'd say just get the hell away. If we found a creature like that this fast I wanna see what other trouble our hero can get into.

Throw the coins past the creature to distract him, and then run up.

I'm still laughing at the wooden object. Damn these series are awesome!
You should make more of them, plizzzzz.
We should hide and wait before he leaves, I think that getting water will make a lot of noise.

Our hero looks kind of like an Apache, really funny. Perhaps he would make a monster laugh if he started dancing in front of him and than they can become a friends. What if our monster killed even bigger monster with three heads. He could be a nice guy.

Wahaha, holy shit... this is so funny! :D
Is it safe to use the well right now? The big guy will probably find out.
Let's wait, maybe he will piss himself to death, who knows...

he drank so much he urinated so much the fate of the big body. hahahaha lol

He needs to distract the guy taking a piss on the floor, maybe not but certainly he needs a strategy to help him escape the guy maybe throwing a stone in the other direction so he can escape.

the bone should be thrown at the head of the sibadan stout, let him no longer have to hide. :D

hmm, I'm guessing you're gonna have him sneak up on the dude taking a wiz, steal the ax, and stuff the dildo shaped thing up the other guy's butt?

Oh, this is an easy game for our hero:
He just has to hit the willie of the giant with his "cudgel" and then he can grab the axe to attack. :>

For me, He will stalks the person who peeing and probably spy him.

Good post friends.

Our hero takes a jug from inside the cabin. And make a helmet from the skull.
What our heroes have is a skull and jug helmet

The hero throws the bone far enough for the creature to go check what's happening... He runs and grabs his axe......

He would be done his job as a hero.he must over come the problem. What do u think?? @alexbeyman

i think our hero will wait untill creature completes leaking... then hero will follow him... in my sense i think it can be happen..

He should hit the creature with the skull

nice post.thanks for shearing.
amazing post steem frined.

Steal the axe and run.

he must sneak and throw bones at the rocks

💯 steady 👍👍👍👍👍

it appears to be a very unique and so beautiful helmet when he wears it

Hehe a very funny leak, this urine is like a waterfall

wow this seems to be a very unique and very unlikely leak

Meu meoh han.
Heuk ku komen hana ka phot
Homlah han ek kupike ike.

it looks like it's a rare leak,
this hero is very super

the well is very functioning to hide from the big body, and there is little weirdness when the stone starts to leak

Lol... Hilarious

@alexbeyman wow sir nice post & nice airt thank for shear ..

Hero is always hero 👮👮 , so no need to hide behind the well. 😠😠
Jus keep filling jug if creature relies and came for hit him, he must defend the creature buy the bon which he carrying... 😜😜

The hero should resort to stone pelting to that creature as this is perfect time to hit.

It is the time to run for the Hero as he may not get enough time after that .

Creep upto the humanoid and use the axe on him

Kill him with the axe while he is still taking a leak

Since he has the helmet on, he can risk attacking it and try to snatch the axe as well

  • Sneak and punch the creature
  • Throw the bone to distract the creature and then going unnoticed
  • Challenge the creature to a bone-axe fight like a real getleman.

Maybe he can fill up the poop jug with water from the well? Or the creatures blood? I don't know what stick people drink