Our hero runs for his life through the prison corridors. One turn after the next, until he happens across a floor level air ventilation duct and a door that looks like it might be possible to lock from the other side. The duct is large enough to climb into but not large enough for the guard to follow. There is no telling where either the duct or the door lead to.
What would you have our hero do next?
Stay Cozy!
Let's hide in the air ventilation duct.
Barge is not expecting us to be so sneaky!
Time to channel his inner John Mcclane and get into that air duct.
Lol I love the sound of your suggestion
our hero will go through air ventelation
thinking about guard?
when the guard sees him he would have escaped
Open the door just a little bit, then go hide in the air duct.
curation trail vote
Our hero should try to use the duct to get away since the barges aren't able to follow him. To confuse them he should try to make it look like nothing happened after he entered the duct by closing the lid again (if possible from the inside). There are for sure more possibilities of different routes in the duct than in the room.
he should make his way through the air ventilation
Well I think this is a situation Of life or death so he has no option than to enter the duct. Since the beginning, it has always been a risk for him so he has no choice now.
Try his luck, go through the duct.
You just wouldnt know until you give it a try.
he should go ahead. Definitely, it would lead somewhere.
We've come this far, no stopping us now..
he's a hero. heroes take risk. and heroes always survive
Hero should check the door first, then follow the duct if there is no way
enter and close the door
it is time to find a way to escape as early as possible
Enter it.
He's been risking it upto now, why stop
Well nontimenfor thoughts, the duct will definitely lead somewhere. As long as it won’t let the guard follow them our hero should take his chance
it is better for him to keep running untill he finds more better option to escape
because if get caught this time
it is over he will be butchered
He should climb the duct, that may be a secret channel outside where he can get mobility to escape
Give our hero that first invisible pill to become invisible, hope the guard will not find him XD
Very nice post and great article
He should climb in the duct, it has to go somewhere. The door could just be a broom closet for all we know.
The hero runs but nobody chases him, will go to rescue someone ? Greetings
He should climb the duct, that may be a secret channel outside where he can get mobility to escape
Obviously go through the duct if you ask me
Hero should look for a coin in the pocket, flip and see what universe says .. In these situations, hearing to luck is better :)
the our hero must find where there is a light out of the sunlight it could be a clue, or a foam our hero waiting time the prison guards doze off
Our hero will hide in the air ventilation then guard will not able to find him out. After a while when the guard go away Our hero will be free to escape from there.
But maybe you got better plan for him @alexbeyman
Through the duct,
There should be light at the end of the channel.
Check the door first to see if it’s locked.And if it is i see no other option than climb into the air duct
Unless he wants to keep running
There is no time for thinking, get over thinking and go into the ventilation duct.
Get into that duct man! Just hope the guard's appendage won't fit into it either. Make sure to replace the cove to ensure you are hiding.
Get in the vent and put the cover back on. Hope that the guard's appendage can't fit in!
Nice story.. I like this painting... So beautiful..
Let's check out the door first rather than the duct.
That air ventilation duct looks quite inviting but do our hero have the time to remove the grid and jump in.. and then put it back on. I guess keep running isn't an option since he'll just find more enemies along the way.
His head... is it after being hit or his brain is growing so fast that He can't keep it inside his head :d
Let's hide in the ventilation duct I guess, lol.
our hero should check the door .behind the door he could be safe for a while