Stickman Adventure, Part 93: Hunted

in #drawing7 years ago

Our hero explores in search of the room with his confiscated belongings. Just then, another guard emerges from around the corner...this time with a sword. Our hero was victorious against an unarmed guard, but dare he continue to test his luck? Then again, could he flee in the other direction fast enough to not be captured?

What would you have our hero do next?

Stay Cozy!


He should throw the spear with all his power and run.
If it hits the target then bingo! But if not, let's run to the room with weapons and take another spear...
Let's fight using the advantage of the location.

Throw it. Right to his chest.

Not going back, not.

Not a single step.

Let him flee... Run for your life buddy and wait around the corner and stab again.

Battle to death! There is no escape from the Barge so better to battle it out with him and figure it out

After some fight back, now our hero has the ability to attack anyone.Now he should trust himself and throw the spear towards the gurd.This is going to be a inteligent move here.Go hero, you can do it.

I think Stickman has the advantage as the spear has more range or maybe he discovers that it is Poseidon's spear and completely destroys everything...

I'm confident our hero can take down this barge despite it being equipped with a sword.

Aim the arrow towards his heart, and throw it, he should belive his instincts and I hope he will achieve the target.

If our hero was brave enough to kill the first unarmed barge, I believe he can do the same this time. He has an advantage weapon with him and wouldnt have to get colse to strike the barge. I believe our hero can do this. He doesn't have to run like a coward.

With a sword our hero is victorious against an unarmed guard. Wow Great

first option is fight and hit him with the spear
if missed running is still an option

My hero would have been able to fight a barge with a sword because the spear he was carrying could be thrown directly into the barge, and my hero could escape out.

Oh yeah , I dare our hero to go head on with the barge, afterall if he runs the barge will call other barges after him . So our hero should stay and fight for his freedom

Fleeing is the best thing to do here , the barge will ruthlessly cut our hero into halves if he decides to match up against him

A spare can be thrown and deliver a devastating blow, if his aim is good and the thrust is perfect that guard stands no chance. So he should stay and fight

he must get his dancing shoes on and run away b4 he gets caught

Contest the guard he must. Running is for cowards , and besides he could run into another guard hence his trouble could double. He ought to fight the guard, and conquer him.

Love the drawing style, man. Thanks. So simple, but at the same time has all this depth. Great.

Lets get this hot! Our hero should try be a hero and give this a shot, the Barge might just be big for nothing afterall

Try his strength I say..
He's a hero after all. And he's got the surprise element.

I think he can kill him just like he did the other time. Just throw the spear at his heart, if he misses he can run away.

Our hero is no match for the barge, obviously from the size of it. So he who fights and run , lives to fight another day .

Our hero was victorious against an unarmed guard, but dare he continue to test his luck? Then again, could he flee in the other direction fast enough to not be captured?

Our hero has always get over his enemy whether by means or crook, he should hide and wait for the perfect time to ambush the guard, I know he is talented and always stood to best option, he never once makes silly mistakes. Ride on our hero.

Our hero is ever prepared, that sword is nothing to our hero, he is resolute and determined, what he needed to do is to avoid the sword of the guard by perfect timing or rather throw his spear, he might be luck this time because he is always lucky that is what a hero is called anyway.

He used the spear to strike, he can throw it at the guard without going close to the barge

A spear to the heart does the trick

now he 's got killer instinct. Go go go Stickman
Lets give all the barges a lesson

He is not an hero for nothing, he need to stay back and fight his fight in order to remain a legendary hero.

Throw it and run if it fails. If he gets caught, compliment the guard on his abs.

Our hero is very courageous and he definetely should fight because the spear has a higher reach than the sword. Our hero throws the spear and if it does massive damage then he must finish off the guard if not he will have to run away fast in the other direction.

Well he doesn't have to fight if he can throw the spear at the guard.. If he fails he can always run then.. I doub't he'll overpower him but I hope he's a good thrower.

The hero does not have to think much has to throw the spear, taking advantage of the guard is at a safe distance and there to kill him, then take the sword that has the guard and follow his way.

Flee and run into an unknown number of other barges, or stand and fight? Tough choice for our hero. Run toward the barge go into a slide between his legs and thrust the spear up. He doesn't want to throw it in case he misses, he can not stand up to the barge because of its greater strength, one swing of that sword against the spear and spear would go flying out of his hands. So a home plate slide and hope for the best.

I think he should push his luck and attack. Because, if that barge finds the dead one, it's all over for our hero