Like an ocean cousin to 'Jonathan Livingston Seagull' ~ Daring to be free and not constrained by what other fishes think a fish should be.
'Jonathan Seagull is a story for one who knows that somewhere there’s a higher way of living than scuffing the tracks of others, someone who yearns to fly the way their own heart yearns to fly.'
'It’s a reminder that the path for us to follow is already written within, that it's for each of us to find our own loves, and live them brightly for ourselves. Others may watch, they may admire our resolution or despise it, but our one freedom is for us to love and to choose every day of our lives, as we wish.' Source
Have a carefree weekend @scrawly ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎
Beautiful comment, Ally <3.
Thank you for introducing me yet to another wonderful art out there ^_^.
Thank you and pleasure. If you haven't read JLS @scrawly ~ It's an enjoyable read.
Hope you have a creative and fun week, with the gills and feelers to deal with any weirdos that might come your way. ♥︎♥︎⚖️♥︎♥︎
What a lovely message, I wish you the same, Ally <3.
And it's truly appropriate that your name can be shortened to an ally, hehehhe.
Thanks @scrawly. It's hot again ~ Has been a gentle creative time.
One of the reasons why I really like using 'Ally' rather than my full name. Family have another name, but that's another story.
Saw this short video this morning and thought you might like it.
Hahhaha, this is awesome... and true :D.
Thought you'd like it. The narrative was a quote by Winston Churchill. I hadn't heard it before ~ Love the animation and the message.