There are so many who join in steemit and so many art pictures that have been updated with excellent quality and beautiful paintings that you give so far.
I also want to show you my little drawing.
When this post entertains you and can get your information or income, give your voice.
because one of your voices is very precious to me

Hi. I checked your home page as I was wondering why you have such a few upvotes from people, mostly from bots. I saw you have close to 150 followers, but that you only follow back about a quarter of them. That means your followers are much less than it appears is the case, for they can see you are not interested in them.
You probably think of yourself as an artist and maybe do not see why you should waste time on visitng a variety of posts that do not interest you, but if you lack followers, then who is going to look at your art? Heck, I have many more followers than you and I do follow them back, but I still struggle to get more viewers.
I hate to see people who are talented failing at Steemit, but it is up to you, you must learn how to develop your 'market' by making friends of other artists AND those who do not have talent but love art.
I wish you the best.
I am currently very rarely open my Steemit account.
because I'm running a small business I just built.
In that case, all I can say is, all my best wishes for the success of your business. Been there and know how difficult it can be.
Wow this is incredible. Love your anime art style. How long did the illustration take?
about 3.5 hours.
Love your manga art style. We run an art sharing initiative here on steemit would love to see some future illustrations. We are creating an active and connected artist community on steemit, would love to have more talented active manga style artists in the community! You guys are few and far between!