Here are some doodles I did the other day :)
Uta ♡♡♡ from Tokyo Ghoul.
I really like this Uta. I want to redraw it and finish it properly later :)
Original character and Rin!!! from Ao no Exorcist.
Used : reference, 0.3mm and 0.5mm mechanical pencils with HB lead
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Have a good day!
Keep on doodlin'
Great to see you here @neoxian
I will! Thank you so much for the support!!!
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Thank you!!!
This upvotes for you.

Once again I must say that I sure wish I could doodle like you! Great work! :)
Thank you!!!
I haven't seen the anime but the fan art is good. Thanks for sharing.
This show is very good if you like dark fantacy.
You're welcome and thank you!!!
You're really good
Thank you!!!
Uta san looks so good!!!!😍
He does!!! Lol
AHHHH <3 his face looks so handsome! * w * I really like the eyes and nose~ You draw them so well! Also cute Ao no Exorcist sketches > v <
I'm glad you like it!!! Thank you!!!
Nice work as usual. Keep it up :).
Thanks!!! and I will ;)
Great as always :D I need to figure out a way to give you five upvotes
I think my favorite is Uta, probably because he's a pretty boy.
Everytime I watch anime and I see a pretty anime character, I always want their hair style. >.O I want to cut my hair now.
He is my favorite too!!! I mean I have many favorites but he is!!! His hair, tatoos, and his and piercing♡♡♡ Thanks for the support!!!
I love Uta and Rin!!!!!
and OMG~~ your OC is so handsome! <3
Aside from megane, I have a thing for "one-eyed characters... "
He somehow reminds me of Himuro Tatsuya of KuroBasu! <3
Wooo Himuro♡♡♡ I should try to draw from KuroBasu again. Somehow the characters from KuroBasu are hard to draw for me...
I'd love to see that!! ehh? why? I think you'll be able to.draw them well without a problem.. :)
very nice !
That Uta is great! He is such a badass. :D I'm a beginner artist and I did a Touka reference drawing. Check it out when you get the chance?