Wow @veryspider! this contest was such a great idea. I do wonder though... the 5 teams presented were the elite five? I mean the top five, or it's just that you had only 5 teams entering?
I mean, all 5 entries were cool, but this was a great idea for a contest and I would have expected to see tons of more entries.
Since you mentioned it above, what's the Mesopotamians project?
only 5 teams entered :3 but i think it was a new contest, so not a lot of people understood it well.... hopefully we will get more participants in future rounds !!!
The Mesopotamians@tcpolymath runs project. It is basically him using his own funds to give away FREE and AUTOMATIC upvotes to the members of the project. How to qualify? Why is he so awesome? Well, you can find out more by reading this post: