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RE: Jason Todd

in #drawing6 years ago

Hey, @kytcordell.

I'm not so familiar with Jason Todd, but at least in some story lines, I understand, he falls prey to the Joker. He's supposed to be dead, then she shows up as the Red Hood, and ends up on the other side of the law, or tightroping between good and bad in the way he handles things.

Now, does the J on his cheek is meant to stand for Joker, as in a branding, or is it actually for Jason?

When you say it's the colors that brings the art together, I believe it. The tone is set, the different areas of Todd pop, and you can see his hurt and anguish.

Congratulations on the curie. Definitely well earned.


Hey! Thank you for the kind comment.

As for the J, you should watch the cutscenes from the game "Arkham Knight." It deviates a lot from the original comic but there are similarities that result in Red Hood. I don't want to spoil details for anyone who hasn't played or wants to watch.

Okay. :) I'll have to go look up the cut scenes on YouTube then. I don't know if I'll ever get around to playing the game, but the way they make the cut scenes anymore, it's almost like watching a CGI movie. Some of it is even motion capture, though I think they've got a ways to go with that still.