@vkap gave me a permission to use his photo art as a reference for my drawing art:) And that's how I transformed his awesome tree photo to an inking:
I'll give here a link on his post, and the original photo that's in it:
When I saw the photo I immediately thought that the tree has hidden faces;) I think later I will do another inking based on the photo, so consider this preparation sketch;)
Thank you dear @vkap for inspiration;)
Thank you for watching:)
Love, Inber

Well Done
So creative
Keep the good work
Steem on
Thank you my dear friend!:) Steem on:)
Great job, keep doing what you love to do :)
English version below
Vraiment sublime! La nature offre parfois des sujets d'inspiration grandiose, et cette arbre sur la photo de @vkap en est un parfait exemple! Merci à toi @vkap d'avoir immortalisé cet arbre majestueux avec ta photo. Dans ton oeuvre @inber, j'aime beaucoup le contraste des bruns avec les bleus. Et surtout, j'adore l'effet d'étoiles et de scintillement que donnent toutes ces minuscules petites taches blanches. Une oeuvre magnifique! Merci de l'avoir partager avec nous. Elle est acceuillie avec bonheur.
Really sublime! The nature sometimes offers subjects of great inspiration, and this tree in the photo of @vkap is a perfect example! Thank you @vkap for immortalizing this majestic tree with your photo. In your work @inber, I like the contrast of browns with blues. And above all, I love the effect of stars and flicker that give all these tiny little white spots. A magnificent work! Thank you for sharing it with us. It is welcomed with happiness.
He-he, white spots if my feature:) Thank you!:)
Amazing work @inber! Loved that you perceived the faces :) Thanks and keep it up :)
Thank you for inspiration;)
👍 keep it up my bro.....
great art
Thank you:)
you are welcome
amazing work :)
Thank you:)
I was comparing the design and color pattern to something Picasso would have done. Fabulous work!
Oh, now I understand:) Thank you:)
: )
I like it how the tree has brought an evil-ish nature in your drawing.
It wasn't a plan:) May be I just had such mood:) Later I plan to make another one, more friendly
It's the old deku tree ^^