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RE: Spider Coccoon

in #drawing7 years ago

You´re welcome! I think it´s working better now. Can I point out a tiny, little thing? It´s a very easy fix and i think it´ll come together even better. I feel the skin below the blouse is a bit to flat. With just a little shadow like the arms I think it all will be more rounded and come together better. Sorry for being a bit nitpicky I can´t help myself but don´t get me wrong, the drawing is fantastic! :)


Oh i left that purposely untouched cuz it was supposed to be a long, greek-like dress but .... i was lazy and didn't want to do more work .... XD;;;;;;;;;;;;;

But yaya, i agree it's a bit too flat at the moment, as is :>

Thanks for the feedback ! Glad to receive inputs and glad to know that people are paying attention to the stuff im making <333