Sooo... I went a bit manic..

in #drawing2 years ago (edited)

I found this drawing style on Pinterest. (ref.:

This is not the kind of style that I would naturally find myself drawing in, but the simplicity of the technique left me completely stunned. So I wanted to try it out myself. Note that originally the lines are meant to be drawn with a pen. I do not possess such a magical pen, so I had to make do with gold paint instead. As you can see, as a result, my works find themselves lacking in the elegance department.

Do you think that slight inconvenience stopped me? Pfff...

Yuuup. Before I knew it I ended up with 5 separate drawings/paintings, all clumsy, all pretty much too alike to make any difference. The first two in watercolor, the last three in acrylic. Same gold paint.

I guess I got to be grateful my mania comes in a form of artistic expression, now that I think about it..

Hope you have a lovely and chill Friday evening!



Well done. So creative.

Actifit says its time to stretch your legs now.


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