Oh wow, that seems like such a pretty game. It actually reminds me of another game with a similar art-style and fighting mechanics but I can't remember what its called!! I'll have to get back to you on the name...
I've always been a Nintendo girl so I feel like I missed out on a lot of cool games. But one of my favorite series has been Rune Factory, have you ever heard of it?
Also lovely drawing as always!
Hazzah! Found it: Tales of Symphonia
Oh yes! They are a Tales Of game ! :D This one is the 5th title, I think.... so predecessor to Tales of Vesperia :D
Was Tales of Symphonia fun? :D
Havent heard of Rune Factory, but I didn't really have a Nintendo system after the Super Famicom. I think... I was mostly on PS1 and PS2 after that. And now I only have the xbox consoles.... I will look Rune Factory up !!! :D
Rune Factory is one of my all time faaaaav game series. There are mutiple titles and I've played pretty much all of them. It's kind of like Harvest Moon meets Legend of Zelda. You get to farm, court people, and fight monsters. So good!
And haha that makes sense! I actually never played Tales of Symphonia (or atleast haven't played more than like an hour of it); my friend lent it to me like five years ago and I just never got around to playing it XD
aaaaaaaaaah looks really cute and sounds really cool !!!! what a lovely series :D
i wish i have more time to play games these days. it's all work work work and then art art art ; __ ;