in #drawing8 years ago (edited)


Hey people!!

I recently did a nice drawing of a girl. I took photos of the process so you can all see the steps :)

I am really asking you to rate this drawing, either with a comment, or an upvote :) I really really appreciate it and thank you for your time :)

Starting with the drawing outline in pencil:


We moving on the facial part and start drawing:


I continue here by doing outer layer after layer:


Each of you will have a different technique and order on how you draw. I have mine and it's convenient to me. But it is always easier to start with the face and go towards the outside. I am completing details here:


Coloring the eyes is difficult at the beginning, just until you see some colors on paper, you then understand how to play around with the colors to achieve the needed result:


I am finishing and retouching all the parts that i left blank. With shades and a feeling of a background.

Et voila!!

Here is the finishing drawing:


PLEASE let me know what you think, VOTE by leaving a comment or simply upvote!

Thank you all , you inspire me to draw better day after day!!!


Πoλύ όμορφο!!!! Μπράβο σου!!1 Follow :)

Efxaristw poly!!!

@makisantypas, you are very gifted n talented person. I wish you get very good traction here and may your drawings get noticed all over steemit. Awesome painting !!!

thank you for your kind words!! It's nice seeing people appreciating and liking something i created with my hands :) It is a great source of energy! trust me! more to come :)

10/10! πολυ καλος ! συγχαρητηρια !!

Eyxaristw poly!!

crazy skills

Very beautiful! I would love to know what products/equipment you used?

Thanks!!! Mainly black / white charcoal, pencil, brushes and some self made custom brushes :)))

Really beautiful job! You got magic in your hands!

thank you!!!!

Wow what a good drawing. I congratulate you, very well.

Amazing job!! I love it, it looks like a photograph! <3

It's great!!!! I demand! no! I command you, that you drew me!!!))))))) What photos do You send? I have a lot of them!@makisantypas

Heh glad you like it :)
Well tell me which one you like and will do it when I have some free time as I'm
Working on orders now. But will keep my word as always :) and you should def visit Geeece!!

please draw this is

It's too sexy to draw! :P have mercy for the artist heh

beautiful job

Amazing skills you got!