A stampede of new users?

in #drawing8 years ago (edited)

This is a pencil crayon drawing that expresses how I feel about coming onto steemit a couple weeks ago. I wish I had listened when @dollarvigilante suggested I join months and months ago! I was hesitant, because I don't really understand crypto or bitchains. I feel like I missed the early boat and I am now giving it my all just to make a couple pennies. We plankton and minnows are in a stampede, competing for just a split second of recognition. Hoping a whale will swim by and give us a mere glance! If I had only joined a year ago. If I had only bought those bitcoins. If I had only...

Alas! You live, you learn...and I am not going to give up. I have seen minor success and really appreciate the community I have found here. I am learning a bunch and I still have a lot more to offer. Persistence, patience and determination! I am preparing for the marathon, not the sprint. I wish each one of you that are embarking on this similar quest great success! We can do this!



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Thank you :)

I feel the same way. It was nice to read your post. :)

I am glad you like...Let's focus on creating/curating great content and building up the community...at the very least we get to know like minded people and share ideas and inspiration! :)

In motion...