I think Spring is my favorite season and it's already going on. I love the fact the depressive winter is over and the sun starts shining. Festivals pop up and I can wear shorts again until the end of September :). Plants and flowers start to grow and we all come out of our caves.
I made this Artwork in 2015 and I can remember it took a long time to get it done. It's made with pencils on a4 paper.
Hope you like it and all do well and enjoy the beautiful weather :)
This is very beautiful. and i like this
Thank you :D
Watering can! :) <3
Wow look at all of those faces and figures! Growing and pushing through each other * ___ * So interesting and so lovely~
Thank you @veryspider! We all want to grow :) Glad winter is over.
This is awesome! I'm surprised that it's pencils. I guess because it's so clean and detailed :D
Thank you @kristyglas! Yeah I like to shade very smoothly :D
Click here to learn more!You've received an upvote from a @slothicorn! Neigh neigh! (@justatouchfey) ((.)ω(.))
Thank you!
Interesante diseño :) @sanderjansenart
Thank you! :)
Very weird and Interesting XD
Thank you! :)
Very nice, I personally like these kind of art works :)
Thank you Anouk! :)