She has a fun skirt :D. I like how you created her hands and it continually baffles me that you can draw these kinds of complicated pose with ink without mistake.
Lovely drawing, spider.
She has a fun skirt :D. I like how you created her hands and it continually baffles me that you can draw these kinds of complicated pose with ink without mistake.
Lovely drawing, spider.
they are pants, scrawly :D like summer short pants, that are a bit loose and pineappley!!! :D
i donno about complicated pose hahahaha i think this one isn't that complicated :D thank you though you are very awesome oh yeah <3
Yeah I also like pineapples on her short. And I always draw everything with pencils so this is also complicated sketch by pen for me
pineappley shorts seem to be a hit ! someone should make 'em and sell 'em for great winning :D
thank you @livvu <3 you are very kind !