A lovely ink works, spider. I like that you just let your pen loose and magical drawing comes up to life. I noticed that you don't even make a change in judgment when you are creating this piece, what a great imagination you have in your head, ready to be printed into virtual paper :D.
The cross hatching that you made in this piece is very nice and confident. Good job :).
sometimes i get lucky and the picture just wants to come out :D other times it is a lot of CONTROL Z CONTROL ZEEEEEEEEE CONTROL ZEEEEEEEEEEEEE .......... plus crying.
Always with the crying, I tell u~
Thank you, @scrawly <3 Your comments always make me happies :D :D :D
My favourite part in this piccar is actually her thumb that sits on the basket's edge XD It was such a small detail but it fits right in when it pops up into happening :D