Smelling the sweet air, of good old days. -- Draft 1 to 8 -- (OR: Justa storry about me)

in #drawing7 years ago (edited)

Showing new Stuff and telling you a bit about me and way I was off for a so long time(again?!) ...
(Are you here for the art?(and not about me and how I worked on this one) Just skip the text ;) BTW the final version will be on a separate up-lode ;) )


Hey every one ^^ I'm working on a new Project. .... at this point I may have to say ... yes some of my old projects died. But not because I do not wanna work on em any more, but because my PC broke down again and so my files are laying down in agony. Not just because it's no easy for me to get on that information on my hard-drives. To can not reach them from my laptop. No it's mainly the point that my Laptop has not enough power to run those PSD's especially when i work with my draw-pad.
You have to see - with the reanimating and upgrading of my old PC. I had a lot of ways to test out new borders. New experience. ... Then it died and a howl new world for me broke down. "But hey, my experience I got are still there!" I talked to myself ^^' ... what did not bring something against the feeling of a broken world, especially when I see my broken PC every day, and have to walk back to my decrepit Laptop.(And I'm bagging every day that in the end it will not break down too)

"how ever, my experience are still there and I hope that I can continuing on even bigger project's just without all this power of a good PC."
... I was thinking. But still had a lot of ideas about "BIG" projects to work on, but I always feared that my Laptop would not deal with it ... (in the end: because at this situation I do not really know the power of my laptop. And also the skill I have, to deal with it. Any-more.)

Then there was Christmas ... I wasn't proud of the gifts I made for my family. Of cause the gifts was full of good thinking and ideas ... but in all this thinkings about what can especially me give em. Something that says: I love you and I know you love me. Thank you that I can have this feeling.
The day's at Christmas I spent a lot of time with a especially close girl.
ATM she really has a hard time ... and because I know she also likes drawing ^^ I showed her my new Graphics tablet. I showed her what I like so much on it and how I work with it. Just to spent time with her. Give her friendship and family warmth. Just to be at her side and help her out. Bringing some good safe times.
And this way (at the couch, at Christmas eve, while my family is close to me) I started to create this one
(BTW with my desktop PC, there would be no way, to chill down on the couch. Making yourself comfortable with some pillows. And start drawing the digital way


I really loved my new work! not because it looks good. No, for me it was special because: I really had that "experience" I was missing. Like when, I was drawing with pen and paper. (before that, I always made a pencil drawing in my bad. - scanned it in and overworked it digitally)
Another point, why I loved the beginning of my new Picture: is that I liked the feedback I got from my family. Because ... well i mainly create foot fetish artwork and that's not really the stuff you show your family and say : "Hey that's what I'm doing, right-now ^^' " its was imported for my changes of thinking about my new way to draw. combining everything i still know and what I wanna draw.

but more to that later.

As I was sitting there spending the time with that girl, I also let her decide to led her made the decision about the colours: the hair, the eyes and also a bit of the skin tone, of that fantasy girl I was drawing on.

  • That had too reasons. -> One: I wanted to help her out, on thinking about colours. Bringing new experience (trough the digital way ^^) and ability's.
    But mainly I made it because I could see in her eyes how much she enjoyed the time with me. How imported I am for her. How much she needs me (even or especially because I'm so extremely seldom around her)
    And well epecually I had to see that she really loved that girl I still was drawing. ;)


... And she still loved the drawn girl trough all the evolves!

like finalised lines


first shapes


end especially, the big step for me: thinking over her hair ... you know a lot of lines to draw ... and at that time I got a bit rough and lazy I think ... mainly because there was soo much thinking about: the detail, the grade of accuracy and and and. I just wanted to put too much in the picture ... that i finally just overran trough it ... but well at that time I also worked a lot on my new drawing style ... and the hair part, really helped me out there ... so I just see the hair as a study scribbling. (in the final version this stuff will be still there ... because it brought the picture hard and uniqueness for me (but it will get some overworked progresses. Just to let it melt more into the howl picture) And I think, I have not done a bad job ;) )


At this point my family asked me ... "hey there is so much free space ... do you gonna draw a nice background for her?"
.... well the real idea behind the free space was, that I wanted to fill it up with foot fetish stuff for my fans ... But i liked the idea of drawing a BG ... I never drawed one before ... And this mend to be the point, where I let the fear of failing on it behind me. And try something new.
But well of-cause I was still thinking about making a foot fetish picture of it. You know this girl I was drawing is cute. And I really wanted to get in contact with her feet :P
So I created a concept of a nice BG where I can easily march in some feet. Therefore it was important for me that booth versions (feet & non-feet) would look's like they would be designed fore something else or missing something ...
A big thing for that concept was: that I Still wanted to focus on the girls face. And trough the BG-picture, I just wanted to bringing in some background story to her (So the question how her feet may looks like, of-cause can be telled ;) :P )
Because I was figuring out to still have the focus on the girl, I was thinking and trying on a new way for me to draw ... I merged colours in a different way together. Just to have this ... drawn, blurry, not in focus, like a memory, a bit far away but still close view. ... ^^'
(Maybe some closer things about that scribbling on another point ;) )

(No there is no early version of that picture, without feet ^^'
For this post I would prefer to not show the feet jet ^^' ... but well there they are ^^ )

Christmas was over ... And I had to go bag to my study place.
But I really enjoyed working on the BG so I do not wanted to quit drawing! Even if I had less time beside my studding. ... what means I tried to combined it with learning. What reduced the increasing rate of the picture a lot.
How ever, that was the point I finally wanted to draw her feet!... And I liked how all peace's of the picture worked together. even if it not nearly looked like in my mind ... where I first had some more old Japanese buildings in mind ...


but the storry about the picture changed on every hour I worked on it.
So the idea of a industrial building I started to draw came trough.


But after all this time on The BG it was had for me to get back to the girl in the front ... but I made my way in again on drawing her cloths.


Half way done ^^' now her neckline ... :S


Well .. it went bather then I feared ... but still have to work on it a lot

In the end There will be still a lot of ambient-lightning stuff ... but first, let set an end here for now ;)
You will see my final version on this acc at the end of my big tests in the late February, I hop ;)

to be continued ... ?!

Have a nice time guys ^^
And for thee other artist out there: I hop you really enjoying your work and having a nice time on creating it ;)
Because. I'm really happy to find again, what I like on drawing, so much. And I wish you all have the same luck.