
No not particularly kind, I'm just a simple steemian. If I like something I up it 100 %. I don't think much about how many ups I make and with the drop in value my vote scale isn't really worth too much consideration any more.
I have been a bit sick. I was called in to hospital yesterday. I grabbed a few essentials and which of course included note pad and bic, just in case of steemit epiphanies and doodlings.IMG_20181207_155952.jpg

I am trying without peeking back to guess your city by the description. 38 degrees Sydney's not hot enough at the moment and up north is too often like that so maybe not comment worthy, (unless you are like me and wanting to make a point of reminding people we are not all in the northern hemisphere). Melbourne has had a warm few days...?

Oh, I missed this comment ! Apologies > __ <

I hope you are better now? sends you good vibes Your drawing is very nice, a tree-woman, and I think you're amazing for being prepared and grabbing your arting tools :D

Yep, I'm in Melbourne !!! It was hot hot hot then it has been raining raining raining